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The Reproductive System

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1 The Reproductive System

2 PBS Documentary

3 All living things can reproduce

4 Unlike other animals, humans can CHOOSE when they want to reproduce.

5 Ovulation

6 What if fertilization does not occur?

7 Menstruation Monthly shedding of the uterine lining
Video: First Moon Party

8 Fun Fact Human are one of the few animals that do not have some kind of visible obvious display of fertility. Evolutionary biologists suggest this trait evolved as a way to keep males interested for more than just the fertile period, increasing the likelihood of male parental care of offspring.

9 If Fertilization Occurs . . . .
ONE sperm penetrates and fertilizes the egg Occurs in the fallopian tube Egg implants in uterus

10 Gastrulation Cells are organized into an embryo
Occurs two weeks after conception

11 Zygote Fertilized egg Contains 46 chromosomes 23 from each parent

12 Types of Chromosomes Autosomes Sex Chromosomes Determine traits
EX: hair color, eye color, etc.. Sex Chromosomes X and Y XX = Female XY = Male

13 Twins Identical twins single zygote splits Genetically the same
Share one placenta Fraternal twins Fertilization of two Different eggs Genetically different

14 Crazy Cat Lady Fact In animals that have a large number of offspring (like cats) the uterus is divided into two uterine horns (the fallopian tubes in humans). Gestation of embryos occurs in these tubes.

15 Knowing you’re pregnant
Missed period Changes in body Breast tenderness, nausea, extreme fatigue Urine pregnancy test Test for pregnancy hormones in urine

16 Fetal Development

17 Continued

18 At the 8th week, the embryo is called a FETUS
Embryo, approximately 8 weeks from conception At 8 weeks


20 Morning Sickness Most likely due to rapid rise in hormones
Nausea peak as levels of Human chorionic gonadotropin rise What Causes Morning Sickness? It is likely hormones that rise rapidly with most incidences occurring in the first trimester Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG): This hormone rises rapidly during early pregnancy. No one knows how hCG contributes to nausea, but it's a prime suspect because the timing is right: Nausea tends to peak around the same time as levels of hCG. What's more, conditions in which women have higher levels of hCG, such as carrying multiples, are associated with higher rates of nausea and vomiting.


22 Labor Contractions Cervix dilates Of uterine wall
Become faster as birth approaches Cervix dilates Allows baby to pass through Help determine how close the baby is

23 Epidural live birth .com/2_live-birth- epidural_ bc Start at 3 minutes

24 Babies aren’t so cute when they’re born – it’s a rough road to leave the womb

25 Most of the time, the amniotic sac breaks before the baby is born, in this photo, the baby is shown still inside it.

26 Placenta Attaches to the fetus via the umbilical cord
Supplies nutrients to the fetus during pregnancy Is expelled after the baby is born.

27 Preventing Pregnancy and STI Transmission
What are methods of birth control? Are some more effective than others? Are some more available than others? Which types are specific for men?  for women? Teen Pregnancy Statistics

28 Effective in preventing pregnancy and transmission of STI’s
Barrier Method Prevent sperm from coming into contact with egg Condoms Male (98%) and female (95%) Diaphragm (84%) Effective in preventing pregnancy and transmission of STI’s

29 Spermicides or Contraceptive Gels
Kill sperm before they get to the egg When used alone are 71% effective in preventing pregnancy

30 Hormonal Birth Control
Females only (for now) Using hormones to prevent release of an egg  Delivery system varies 91% Effective in preventing pregnancy


32 Nuva Ring

33 Birth Control Implant

34 Plan B does NOT work on women who are already pregnant.
What about the morning after pill - also known as Plan B Plan B must be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex, it prevents the egg from releasing or the sperm from fertilizing the egg. Plan B does NOT work on women who are already pregnant. It can be bought from pharmacies, though some states have age restrictions. ALSO CALLED EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION.

35 100% Effective in preventing pregnancy and transmission of STI’s
Abstinence 100% Effective in preventing pregnancy and transmission of STI’s

36 What if contraceptives are used incorrectly or not used at all?

37 Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s)
Chlamydia Genital warts Gonorrhea Hepatitis B Herpes HIV and AIDS HPV Pubic Lice (crabs) Scabies Syphilis Trichomonas

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