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United States History and Government 11 Grade Boys/Girls 26 June 2018

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1 United States History and Government 11 Grade Boys/Girls 26 June 2018
What Were the First English Colonies in the Americas and Their Challenges? United States History and Government 11 Grade Boys/Girls 26 June 2018

2 U.S. History & Government
The First Colony 1587: Roanoke Island 1590: Vanished 6/26/2018 5:27 AM U.S. History & Government

3 Patterns of English Colonization
Pioneered by Joint-Stock Companies 1606: King James granted a charter to Virginia Company 1607: Jamestown Colony was set in Virginia, funded by Sir Walter Raleigh John Smith led the colony 6/26/2018 5:27 AM U.S. History & Government

4 U.S. History & Government
Jamestown’s Map 6/26/2018 5:27 AM U.S. History & Government

5 Challenges of Jamestown
Diseases and lack of food Colonists were not willing to do farm work Many settlers died 1609: 600 New Colonists, 60 survived Problem with Native Powhatan Tribe 6/26/2018 5:27 AM U.S. History & Government

6 Prospects of Jamestown
Strong Leadership and Discipline New cash crop: Tobacco 1618: headright system 50 acres of land for paying journey to Virginia. New plantations grew Indentured Servants worked in plantations 1619: Africans as indentured servants 6/26/2018 5:27 AM U.S. History & Government

7 English Patterns of Conquest
English viewed Native Americans as “Wild Irish” Intermarriages were not allowed Burning and destruction of native American villages were common 1624 Virginia was made a royal colony By 1644, 10,000 English settlers lived in Virginia 6/26/2018 5:27 AM U.S. History & Government

8 Internal Dissent & Problems
Clash between wealthy planters and poor frontiersmen 1675: Clashes between frontiersmen and native Americans Nathaniel Bacon’s rebellion 1676 Bacon’s Army destroyed Jamestown. King James appointed commissioner to look into the problem and solve 6/26/2018 5:27 AM U.S. History & Government

9 U.S. History & Government
6/26/2018 5:27 AM U.S. History & Government

10 U.S. History & Government
Homework Questions 1, 2, & 3 on page 48 6/26/2018 5:27 AM U.S. History & Government

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