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Adhering to Medical Advice

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1 Adhering to Medical Advice
Assist. Prof. Merve Topcu PSY 411 Health Psychology Department of Psychology Çankaya University , Fall


3 Theories for adherence / compliance
Behavioral theory Self-efficacy theory Theories of Reasoned Action & Planned Behavior The transtheoretical model

4 1. Behavioral theory Based on Operant Conditioning Reinforcement
Positive Negative Punishment Rewards Extrinsic Intrinsic

5 2. Self-efficacy theory Bandura’s social-cognitive theory
Reciprocal determinism Person (thinking) + Behavior + Environment Self-efficacy (Person) Perceived control over yourself and your environment Situation specific, not global + outcome expectation Smoking cessastion & diabetic diet

6 2. Self-efficacy Beliefs predict accomplishment
Acquired, increased, or decreased by: 1. Performance 2. Vicarious experience Seeing others of similar skills perform 3. Encouragement 4. Physiological arousal Anxiety, or high expectation

7 3. Theories of Reasoned Action & Planned Behavior

8 3. Theories of Reasoned Action & Planned Behavior
The theory of planned behavior Jjjj

9 4. The Transtheoretical Model of change
Stages of change model 1. Precontemplation stage Has not thought about changing 2. Contemplation stage Only thought about changing 3. Preparation Thoughts & preparation for change 4. Action stage Actually making the change 5. Maintenance stage Resists temptation to go back

10 What is adherence? Compliance Adherence
Patient’s behaviour that conform to phisicians orders Adherence A person’s ability & willingness to follow recommended health practices

11 How to measure adherence?
1. Ask Practitioner 2. Ask patient 3. Ask others 4. Monitor medication 5. Biochemical evidence 6. Combination of these

12 Factors predicting adherence
Severity of disease Pain level Seriousness of disease / disorder Treatment characteristics Side effects Complexity of treatment Personal characteristics Age Gender Personality Obsessive & compulsive features Hostility Level of anxiety Effects of stresful life events Self-efficacy Avoidance coping Responsibility Environmental factors Cultural norms Social support R/ship btw health care provider & patient

13 Reasons for nonadherence
Requirement Vagueness of physician advice Unhealthy lifestyles Optimistic bias Finding hard to attach a treatment or phisician

14 Improving adherence Educational Behavioral methods
Emotional regulation Health education Behavioral methods Aims to change patient behaviors Reducing economic barriers Rewarding Notifying of upcoming appointments Simplifying medical schedules Home visits Prompts Tailoring regimen Graduated regimen Verbal commitment and /or contingency contract Encouraging self-reinforcement Service fee

15 To be continued...

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