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Marriage Matters pp. 307-312.

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1 Marriage Matters pp

2 The second creation story begins with God lovingly forming a human and breathing His own life into its nostrils. God observes that it is not good that the human be alone, so God creates every creature. The human names all of them, but finds that none is a suitable partner.

3 God builds a suitable partner from a rib from the first human (taken while under a deep sleep).
The human delights in the creation of a partner/mate. By naming her Woman, the human knows himself to be Man. The helper/partner is like the first human (bone of my bones) but different (Woman and Man)

4 Reasons for this account of creation:
Being alone was not perfect (the human was incomplete). Awareness of human identity happens in and through the presence of the other. When joined to another, humans discover the meaning of the human in relation to God (we are meant to live in communion with one another).

5 echism/p1s2c1p6.htm

6 Adam and Eve are placed in the Garden of Eden to till and keep it
Adam and Eve are placed in the Garden of Eden to till and keep it. They are commanded to not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Sin enters the world when self-interest enters the mind of the humans. They choose to disobey God, believing their eyes would be opened and that they would be like God. The relationship between humans and God is broken with their disobedience.

7 Consequences of Sin Sins destroys the relationship (causes separation) between: Humans and God Men and Women (other humans and themselves) Humans and the natural world

8 Original Sin – the fall from grace that happened when the first humans disobeyed God and ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Concupiscence – the human tendency to act against God and even our own good. It is an effect of original sin, inherited from the first human couple. Since Mother Mary and Jesus do not have original sin, they would not have concupiscence.

9 Effects of Sin on the male/female relationship:
1) Discovering their nakedness and becoming ashamed. A boundary is discovered between them. They can’t be free and open with themselves or God. Fear enters the human heart and human relationships.

10 Effects of Sin on the male/female relationship:
2) The woman is condemned to struggle with the serpent. The desire to be what we are not is a universal temptation that destroys our relationship with God. The serpent is the evil one in the story and represents the temptations that all men and women face. There is also an ongoing struggle between the sexes as a consequence of Original Sin.

11 Effects of Sin on the male/female relationship:
3) Man’s existence is diminished by their sin as well. The relationship to God that had been intended for the humans was destroyed. From that moment, the relationship will be a struggle to restore (that which had been given to them in the beginning)

12 Effects of Sin on the male/female relationship:
4) By rejecting the state of their relationship to God, Humans lose their place in Eden. They enter an existence of disharmony which involves difficulty tilling the land, painful labour and death.

13 What is marriage? Read pg to find the description provided by The Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern World.

14 5 significant elements of marriage:
1) It is an intimate partnership of life and love ( the interpersonal relation of man and woman is at the core of marriage. It is a covenant and partnership – an unconditional and public affirmation of a man and woman to create a complete and personal community of life and love.

15 5 significant elements of marriage:
2) Love is the soul (central trait) of marriage. This love grows from eros (physical love) to agape (a selfless Christ-like love) It is oriented toward a selfless love totally for the other.

16 5 significant elements of marriage:
3) This love is open to procreation. Marriage and married love is ordered to the procreation and education of offspring. Love and new life are the gifts of marriage.

17 5 significant elements of marriage:
4) Marriage is built on consent. It is an act where a man and woman mutually give and accept each other by an irrevocable covenant. Some people are unable to contract a marriage.

18 Conditions for marriage:
Must be able to rationally understand what they are consenting to. Deceit and fraud make the marriage invalid. Both must be capable of making a judgment. Marriage demands a level of personal maturity. Consent implies one can assume the essential obligations of marriage. Psychosis, neurosis, psychopathology, sociopathology, sexual orientation and insufficient age or development are all things that would not allow one to fully consent.

19 5 significant elements of marriage:
5) A valid marriage between baptized persons is a sacrament. It is a source of grace.

20 Please checkout these sites:
nlaw.htm M marriage/church-teachings/

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