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Chemsheets AS006 (Electron arrangement)

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Presentation on theme: "Chemsheets AS006 (Electron arrangement)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemsheets AS006 (Electron arrangement)
26/06/2018 BIOCHEMISTRY © A July-2016

2 AMINO ACIDS amine group carboxylic acid group
© A July-2016

3 AMINO ACIDS From Dept Bio Pemn State

4 Joining amino acids together to make polypeptides and proteins:
Condensation reaction: molecules join and water is eliminated © A July-2016

5 Public domain image from wikipedia

6 Breaking down polypeptides and proteins into amino acids:
Needs: acid or enzyme Hydrolysis reaction: reaction with water in which O-H bond breaks © A July-2016

7 Amino acids be analysed by TLC (can be stained using ninhydrin)

8 or view results under UV light

9 Rf values can identify amino acids
solvent front Rf values can identify amino acids 5 cm For substance R Rf = 3 = 0.6 5 For substance S Rf = 4 = 0.8 4 cm 3 cm starting line R S © A Jul-16

10 PROTEINS Public domain image from wikipedia

11 Helix held in shape by hydrogen bonds
Public domain image from wikipedia Helix held in shape by hydrogen bonds

12 α-helix β-sheet

13 α-helix β-sheet

14 Public domain image from wikipedia

15 covalent bonds between amino acids 2y structure held by:
hydrogen bonds 3y structure held by: disulfide bonds ionic attractions (e.g. COO– and NH3+) etc Public domain image from wikipedia

16 DNA

17 P DNA This is a NUCELOTIDE BASE phosphate group 2-deoxyribose
SUGAR BASE 2-deoxyribose one of 4 bases: adenine guanine cytosine thymine

18 DNA DNA is a polymer made of: -sugar-phosphate-sugar-phosphate- P P P

19 DNA part of a chain 2-deoxyribose phosphate

20 DNA adenine bonding site to deoxyribose H bonding site to base partner

21 DNA thymine bonding site to deoxyribose H bonding site to base partner

22 DNA guanine bonding site to deoxyribose H bonding site to base partner

23 DNA cytosine bonding site to deoxyribose
H bonding site to base partner

24 DNA

25 BASE PAIRS IN DNA hydrogen bonding between base pairs holds DNA strands together thymine cytosine 0000 guanine adenine


27 Public domain image from wikipedia

28 Public domain image from wikipedia

29 CIS-PLATIN Very effective drug to fight cancer (e.g. testicular)
Pt binds to N in guanine in DNA (substitutes for Cl- ligands) Stops DNA replication as binds two chains together

30 ENZYMES are proteins that act as catalysts in biological systems
they bind to a substrate but are very stereospecific Public domain image from wikipedia

31 ENZYMES Drug action – blocks active sites to inhibit enzymes
Public domain image from wikipedia

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