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Qualitative Data Analysis

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1 Qualitative Data Analysis
Community Evaluation School Rebecca Cheff May 12, 2016

2 Qualitative Data is… Usually words, not numbers
Peoples’ perceptions, understandings, and experiences of an issue Not how big or small a problem is

3 We Can Gather Qualitative Data Through:
Focus groups Interviews Participant observation Arts-based methods Document reviews Case studies

4 Qualitative Data Analysis: Steps
Assemble the data Read your data Start making notes on possible themes Think of as many themes as possible that you see in your data Start moving similar quotes together under each theme Reread and refine the themes

5 Practice! Question: Tell me about the programs your family uses at Regent Park Aquatic Centre Answer: “My daughter is in Penguin lessons for girls. Her swimming is getting better and she has lots of friends. We like that it is just girls. My oldest son is on the SPLASH swim team and wants to get his Bronze Star. My husband uses the lane swim. I can’t swim well. I was thinking of trying an adult class but I haven’t yet.”

6 How can we improve reliability and validity of qualitative data analysis?
Use two researchers to analyze the data Reaching a saturation point

7 How can we improve reliability and validity of qualitative data analysis?
Negative cases Look for data that are different from the main themes that emerge Clarifying evaluator bias Keep a journal while you do analysis and use it to think about your assumptions and biases Describe your role as the evaluator in the evaluation report

8 How can we improve reliability and validity of qualitative data analysis?
Member checks Check with participants about the accuracy of your evaluation conclusions Rival explanations Consider alternative explanations

9 How can we improve reliability and validity of qualitative data analysis?
Triangulation Use more than one data source (example: talk to seniors who use the pool, seniors who do not use the pool, pool managers, receptionists) Use more than one data source (example: interviews, a survey, and an arts-based method)

10 More Practice As a group, let’s read the responses on the handout
With a partner: Make notes of all the possible themes you see on the handout Underline words and sentences that go with each theme Combine similar themes or rename themes that are not clear As a group, report back

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