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Presentation on theme: "EDUCATING OUR CHILDREN IN HUMAN VIRTUES"— Presentation transcript:

STD 3 EDUCATING OUR CHILDREN IN HUMAN VIRTUES Help you understand how virtues are fostered How we get rid of bad habits Strathmore School Tuesday 29th June 2017

2 How habits work Habits are stored in our brains
They follow a Habit Loop A cue activates the action A routine follows the cue. A reward results from completing the action Basal Ganglia: stores the habit Frontal Cortex: regulates our actions You can lose all your memory and still carry out basic functions as long as there are triggered by a cue + The 76 year old man + The gentleman who killed his wife Virtues help us to act morally. They give us principles on which to act. + a soldier will be praised while a criminal will be punished

3 Character forming - Age 8-12
Simon Sinek Happiness Chemicals Happiness Chemicals Key Phrases Example Endorphins No Pain Late night working Dopamine One more Setting and achieving milestones Serotonin Loyalty: allegiance Making the other proud Oxytocin Intimacy and safety Family time; one-on-one with boss

4 Out bad habits, in good habits
Get rid of the cue Break the routine. Rehearse a new routine Acquire a good habit to override the bad one Develop the willpower muscle Spoil the rod and build the child Cure of Ars Rehearse your reaction to negative comments Instead of relaxing by watching television read a book or practice an instrument Join a team, learn an instrument, join a skill development program. Make your bed At home

5 Keystone Habits Developing daily routines Meditative Prayer
Planning out your days Making your bed every morning Tracking what you eat or spend Having family dinners Spend time with them now and they’ll spend time with you in teenage years.

6 Punishment Proximity to the bad behaviour It should be expected
Explain what is desirable Be clear about what bad is. Messy? It should involve some pain It is best if it helps to remedy the consequences


8 Rewards – Age 8 -12 Acknowledge their effort Time off from chores
Camping in the backyard Ordering pizza Choosing a special breakfast Eating out Planning a day’s activities Sleeping in a different place in the house Taking a trip to the park Selecting something special for dinner

9 Professor David Isaacs in Character Building
Briefly explain the three types of virtues

10 Character forming - Age 8-12
Generosity Responsibility Perseverance Patience Industriousness Decision making Moderate pleasure and pain Temperance Prudence Justice Fortitude

11 Character forming - Age 8-12
In these years children are able to take responsibility for their own character improvement. They respond very well if encouraged to act from motives of charity towards a parent or one of their sisters or brothers. Home atmosphere and family example continue to play a major role, consolidating the habits acquired in earlier years. The value of a positive peer group becomes very noticeable also at this time

12 Educating in Virtue means
Giving Knowledge Show them TRUTH, GOOD, BEAUTY Facilitating Practice Equip them with habits to obtain TRUTH, GOOD, BEAUTY … Offering Strength Motivate and encourage them to attain TRUTH, GOOD, BEAUTY … This is a summary of how develop virtues beginning with habits.

13 St Josemaría Escrivá

14 Questions? Thank you.


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