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The Queen’s family and childhood

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1 The Queen’s family and childhood
2013 G1B Kevin Tarn

2 Early life First child of Prince Albert(later King George VI) and his wife Queen Elizabeth Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; born 21 April 1926 Educated at home Often described as "a jolly little girl, but fundamentally sensible and well-behaved„

3 Pictures of her during childhood

4 Heiress presumptive 3rd in line during her grandfather’s reign, 2nd when her uncle succeeded and heiress presumptive when her father became king Elizabeth received private tuition The 1st Buckingham Palace Company 1st solo public appearance

5 The Queen Mother Born 4 August 1900
Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon Agreed to marry Prince Albert after his 3rd and final attempt Initially disliked royal life "afraid never, never again to be free to think, speak and act as I feel I really ought to„ Died in her sleep on 30 March 2002


7 George VI Born 14 December 1895 Albert Frederick Arthur George
Royal Naval College as a naval cadet Married Elizabeth II 26 April 1923 Break-up of the British Empire and its transition into the Commonwealth of Nations Last Emperor of India


9 Princess Margaret Margaret Rose Born 21 August 1930
Only sibling, youngest daughter Viewed as a controversial member of the Royal family Bad health, gradually deteriorated


11 Questions What was Elizabeth II often described as at a young age?
How many attempts did it take for George VI to succeed at marrying Elizabeth II? Who was viewed as the controversial member of the Royal family?

12 Sources

13 Thank you for your attention!

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