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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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1 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

2 The Necessity of Repentance Luke 13:1-9
This event happened at some time during that occasion, but Luke reports it at the end to emphasize it Jesus casts out a demon, rebukes those who falsely accuse him and the religious leaders for their traditions

3 The Necessity of Repentance Luke 13:1-9
Jesus spends that afternoon teaching His disciples and rebuking and warning the large crowd Those who heed the warnings and believe will be rewarded, those that do not will be punished at His return

4 Murder, Tragedy and Repentance Luke 13:1-5

5 Victims of Murder Luke 13:1-3
This is the only record of the violent death of these Galileans by Pilate Pontius Pilate, governor of Judea AD 26-36, could be a cruel tyrant, and he did not like the Jews

6 Victims of Murder Luke 13:1-3
Pilate brought Caesar’s image on military standards into Jerusalem and was ready to kill those who objected Pilate took funds from the sacred treasury to build an aqueduct and brutally beat & killed those who objected

7 Victims of Murder Luke 13:1-3
Reasonable assumptions: This was important to the Galileans telling Jesus about it. This happened recently. They were religiously motivated Jews They were in Jerusalem in / near the Temple They were killed suddenly & violently Pilate was responsible

8 Victims of Murder Luke 13:1-3
We do not know Pilate’s motivations or why these Galileans were his victims It was commonly thought that those murdered in such a manner must be greater sinners

9 Sin & Suffering Suffering comes as a result of living in a sin cursed world. War and oppression are part of that Suffering comes from the sin of others who do evil things. Murder and unjust executions are part of that

10 Sin & Suffering Suffering comes as a consequence of personal sin, and all humans sin, so all humans will suffer The manner of death does not indicate the degree of sinfulness unless the death is a direct consequence of it

11 Sin & Suffering The Galileans were not greater sinners - which means without repentance all are subject to likewise perish All humans are sinners by nature and have by their own actions earned the penalty of death

12 Victims of Tragedy Luke 13:4-5
This is the only record of the 18 killed by the fall of the tower in Siloam Jesus brings up this tragedy to emphasize His point and that it applies to tragic accidental deaths too The idea that bad things only happen to really bad people is false - consider the case of Job

13 Victims of Tragedy Luke 13:4-5
Eliphaz relied on his own observations & falsely concluded the innocent do not suffer (Job 4:7-8) Bildad appealed to tradition to falsely concluded that if Job would be pure & upright, God would restore him Zophar is sarcastic and falsely concludes that if Job must put away his iniquity and seek God.

14 Victims of Tragedy Luke 13:4-5
These 18 were no worse than other sinners - therefore without repentance all are subject to likewise perish All die, and repentance does not prevent death due to murder and tragedy, for Christians suffer these things

15 Victims of Tragedy Luke 13:4-5
Perish (ajpollumi / apollumi) is broad in meaning and also used for the eternal punishment of the wicked

16 Repentance Repentance does not keep you from physical death, but it is the first step toward receiving eternal life Repentance and faith that are only mental assents are useless and leave a person condemned (James 2:14-16)

17 Repentance Repentance (metanoevw / metanoeō) “to change one’s way of life as the result of a complete change of thought and attitude with regard to sin and righteousness.” (Louw-Nida) Repentance, a change of mind, results in a change of life; if there is no change of life, there is no repentance

18 God’s Patience, Fruit & Repentance Luke 13:6-9
This parable is an illustration of the nature and state of both those in the crowd and Israel as a nation Figs are a common sub-tropical fruit that thrives in the Mediterranean climate of Judea - both then and now

19 God’s Patience, Fruit & Repentance Luke 13:6-9
The farmer has been expecting fruit for three years, so the tree is 7-8 years old, and it still is not bearing fruit The gardener proposes a fertilization program for another year before giving up and cutting it down

20 God’s Patience, Fruit & Repentance Luke 13:6-9
God was patient, but the nation still did bear the fruit of righteousness. It would be destroyed within 40 years God is patient, but time was also running out for the individuals who still did not repent at Jesus’ preaching

21 Conclusions A common method to defend against exposure of your own sin is to point out those you think are worse Without repentance, all are already guilty and under God’s condemnation and will perish Repentance brings forth its fruit in a life that becomes characterized by humble righteousness

22 Conclusions If you have already repented and bear the fruit of righteousness, rejoice in God’s salvation and tell others If you profess Christ but you live a double life, examine yourself and repent before it is too late

23 Conclusions If you have not repented, be humble and serious in your quest for truth and faith and do not procrastinate God is patient and longsuffering, but it will end. Will you bear fruit or will you be cut down & perish?

24 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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