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Spencer Vincent Dustin Ziegler Cody Williams

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1 Spencer Vincent Dustin Ziegler Cody Williams
Carl Jung Spencer Vincent Dustin Ziegler Cody Williams

2 Amplification – Elaboration and clarification of a dream-image by means of directed association and of parallels from the humane science (symbology, mythology, mysticism, folklore, history of religion, ethnology, etc.).

3 Anima and Animus Personification of the feminine nature of a man’s unconscious and masculine nature of a woman’s. This psychological bisexuality is a reflection of the biological fact that it is the larger number of male (or female) genes which is the  decisive factor in the determination of sex.

4 Archetype The concept of the archetype… is derived from the repeated observation that, for instance, the myths and fairy tales of world literature contain definite motifs which crop up everywhere. We meet these same motifs in the fantasies, dreams, deliria, and delusions of individuals living to-day. These typical images and associations are called archetypal ideas. The more vivid they are, the more they will be colored by particularly strong feeling-tones

5 Association The linking of ideas, perceptions, etc. according to similarity, coexistence, opposition, and causal dependence. Free association in Freudian dream interpretation: spontaneous ideas occurring to the dreamer, which need not necessarily refer to the dream situation. Directed or controlled association in Jungian dream interpretation: spontaneous ideas which proceed from a given dream situation and constantly relate to it.

6 Association Methods for discovering complexes by measuring the reaction time and interpreting the answers to given stimulus words.

7 Complex Indicators Prolonged reaction time, faults, or the idiosyncratic quality of the answers when the stimulus words touch on complexes which the subject wishes to hide or is not conscious of.

8 Complex Complexes are psychic fragments which have split off owing to traumatic influences or certain incompatible tendencies. As the association experiments prove, complexes interfere with the intentions of the will and disturb the conscious performance: they produce disturbances of memory and blockages in the flow of association; they appear and disappear according to their own laws; they can temporarily obsess consciousness, or influence speech and action in an unconscious way

9 Consciousness When one reflects upon what consciousness really is, one is profoundly impressed by the extreme wonder of the fact that an event which takes place outside in the cosmos simultaneously produces an internal image, that it takes place, so to speak, inside as well, which is to say: becomes conscious

10 Dream The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the psyche, opening into that cosmic night which was psyche long before there was any ego consciousness, and which will remain psyche no matter how far our ego consciousness may extend.

11 Extraversion Attitude-type characterized by concentration of interest on the external object.

12 God-image A term derived from the Church Fathers, according to whom the imago Dei (image of God) is imprinted on the human soul. When such an image is spontaneously produced in dreams, fantasies, visions, etc. it is, from the psychological point of view, a symbol of the self, of psychic wholeness.

13 Hierosgamos Sacred or spiritual marriage, union of archetypal figures in the rebirth mysteries of antiquity and also in alchemy. Typical examples are the representation of Christ and the Church as bridegroom and bride and the alchemical conjunction of sun and moon;

14 Individualism I use the term ‘individuation’ to denote the process by which a person becomes a psychological ;individual’, that is, a separate, indivisible unity or ‘whole'. Individuation means becoming a single, homogenous being, and, in so far as ‘individuality’ embraces our innermost, last, and incomparable uniqueness, it also implies becoming one’s own self. We could therefore translate individuation as ‘coming to selfhood’ or ‘self-realization

15 Inflation Expansion of the personality beyond its proper limits by identification with the persona or with an archetype, or in pathological cases with a historical or religious figure. It produces an exaggerated sense of one’s self-importance and is usually compensated by feelings of inferiority.

16 Mana Melanesian word for extraordinarily effective power emanating from a human being, object, action or event, or from supernatural beings and spirits. Also health, prestige, power to work magic and to heal. A primitive concept of psychic energy.

17 Mandala Sanskrit for circle. Symbol of the center goal, or of the self as psychic totality; self-representation of a psychic process of centering; production of a new center of personality.

18 Persona Originally, the mask worn by an actor. In relation to an individual, persona is similar to the use of the word-concept ego.

19 Shadow - The inferior part of the personality; sum of all personal and collective psychic elements which, because of their incompatibility with the chosen conscious attitude, are denied expression in life. Every individual has a shadow and it is a powerful archetype that often appears in ones dreams; the psychic fragments of their unconscious.

20 Synchronicity A term coined by Jung to designate the meaningful coincidence or equivalence (a) of a psychic and a physical state or event which have no causal relationship to one another. Such synchronistic phenomena occur, for instance, when an inwardly perceived event (dream, vision, premonition, etc.) is seen to have a correspondence in external reality:

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