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Create Your Own Adventure Book

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1 Create Your Own Adventure Book

2 Directions You and a partner (max groups of 3), if you choose, will write a Choose Your Own Adventure Book (CYOAB), making sure to creatively use the elements of the novel we have studied in class. Your book must be at least 30 written pages/slides (around 100 word per page) if you work in pairs or 22 written pages if you work by yourself. You can do either a physical book or a PowerPoint presentation style book You should also have at least 8 illustrations (5 by yourself) as well as an introductory page, about the authors’ pages, and front and* (this is 100 words) back covers. You may write your story in any appropriate genre on any appropriate subject you wish—ask me if you are still confused on the meaning of the word “appropriate.”

3 Directions To do this project you will want to:
create compelling characters formulate a compelling plot with multiple possible endings create a story web showing how the pages and links interconnected write a brief intro setting the scene write the story edit, edit, edit, edit add the bells and whistles Turn it in on Tuesday, March 7th (presenting in class)

4 Rubric Category Mastery or Above Standard Approaching Standard
Doesn’t Meet Standard Appearance/Creativity 30% Pleasant to look at- goes above and beyond in creativity and design Average- acceptable presentation Looks tossed together- no real attempt at presentation Elements of novel: character, theme, plot, setting & language 30% Creatively well developed and used in a manner enhance the story Average development, could fit in any story Little to no development, lacks one major element Readability/ Comprehensibility 15% Story makes sense within own fictional world Story a little hard to follow sometimes- sort of random. Story really hard to follow- seems very random Conventions- spelling, grammar, dialogue rules 15% No errors (w/ slight room for a mulligan) Errors noticeable Errors significantly distract from story Page Requirement 5% 30/22 Pages 25/16 Pages 20/12 pages Illustrations 8/5 illustrations 6/3 illustrations 4/2 illustrations Rubric

5 Using PowerPoint You will need to have a PowerPoint presentation for this project. You must have the pages jump according the “adventure” selected Add a symbol, then use hyperlink to make the pages jump as needed Example:

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