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The scientific program for the first five years of LUNA-MV

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1 The scientific program for the first five years of LUNA-MV
High current H+ (1 mA), 4He+ , 12C+ (150 μA) and 12C++ (100 eμA) beams in the energy range: (7) MeV deep From hydrogen burning to helium and carbon burning Carlo Broggini INFN-Padova Nucleosynthesis: from p-p chain, CNO, NeNa and MgAl cycles to the region beyond Fe Stellar evolution: from Main Sequence stars to thermonuclear supernovae and core collapse supernovae

2 14N(p,g)15O 278 7556 1/2 + The bottleneck reaction of the CNO cycle already studied by LUNA ( ) 7297 7276 7/2 + 14N+p 13C (p,g) 14N 15O b+ (p,a) 12C 13N 15N 6859 5/2 + -21 6793 3/2 + “High” energy: solid target + HpGe, excellent energy resolution but small efficiency. Study of the 5 different radiative captures. - 504 6176 3/2 - 5241 5/2 + 2) Low energy: gas target + BGO, bad energy resolution but excellent efficiency. Study of the total cross section. s(70 keV)=200 fb, 11 events/day 5183 1/2 + (p,g) 16O Measurement with a clover detector in the energy region above the 259 keV resonance 15O 1/2 - LUNA: St(0)=1.57±0.13 keV b Sgs(0)=0.20±0.05 keV b Adelberger et al : St(0)=1.66±0.12 keV b Sgs(0)=0.27±0.05 keV b Q. Li et al. 2016, study over a wide energy region of 6.79 MeV and g.s. transitions: Sgs(0)=0.42± keV b It is mandatory to have a low background measurement over a wide energy region

3 cno = LF(S1,14,C+Ncore) The solar abundance problem
new spectroscopic determination of the solar photosphere, in particular C, N and O: 30-40% lower than before SSM predictions disagree with heliosysmology results Physical conditions in the solar core are determined by pp-chain, in particular the temperature profile, CNO luminosity ~1% cno = LF(S1,14,C+Ncore) probe of the (C+N) abundance in the Sun core Borexino: cno< 7.7*108 cm-2s-1 From A.Serenelli, Topical Issue on underground nuclear astrophysics and solar neutrinos EPJA 52(2016): Intrinsic error on the (C+N) determination of 11%, 2.6% from heavy element settling and 10.6% from nuclear cross sections (S17 and S114, ~7.5% each). CNO neutrino flux with 10% uncertainty C+N abundance in the Sun core with ~15% uncertainty

4 14N(p, g)15O @LUNA MV: day zero experiment to verify accelerator
and solid target set-up + to reduce the error on S114 Set-up: several gamma ray detectors (if necessary, there is space for an array). Expected beam time: ~6 months

5 12C+ 12C the trigger of Carbon burning
* The lower stellar mass bound Mup for the Carbon ignition: C-O white dwarf (+Nova or thermonuclear supernova) or massive O-Ne WD or core collapse supernova (+neutron star or black hole) * Protons and alpha injection for nucleosynthesis in massive stars Coulomb barrier: EC= 6.7 MeV 12C+12C 20Ne + a Q=4.62 MeV 12C+12C 23Na + p Q=2.24 MeV 12C+12C 24Mg + g Q=13.93 MeV negligible 12C+12C 23Mg + n Q=-2.62 MeV endothermic 12C+12C 16O + 2a Q=-0.12 MeV three particles 12C+12C 16O + 8Be Q=-0.21 MeV higher Coulomb barrier

6 12C+12C 20Ne + ai + gi 12C+12C 23Na + pi + gi
Energy (CM) region of interest: MeV explosive C-burning from 0.7 MeV Relevant energy range in stars 12C+12C 20Ne + ai + gi 12C+12C 23Na + pi + gi Eg = 440 keV Detection: particles (Silicon detectors, ΔE-E telescopes, ionization chambers) and gammas (from the first excited state, Ge detectors) Eg = 1634 keV Main advantage deep gamma ray suppression in a shielded detector (~5 orders of magnitude)

7 Beam induced bck: 1H and 2H in the target
T. Spillane et al., Phys Rev Lett. 98 (2007) Several resonances spaced by keV, typical width G≈10 keV With a shielded Ge detector bck of 52 cpd keV and 1 cpd keV Minimum energy 1955 for the proton channel (bck limited) and 1605 keV for the alpha channel (time limited). All this with 1mm thick carbon target, 5 keV spacing and 30% stat. error) Expected beam time: ~2.5 years Beam induced bck: 1H and 2H in the target Gamma detection: 2H(12C,p1 γ)13C and 1H(12C,γ )13N Particle detection (at backward angles): 2H(12C,2H)12C + 12C(d,p)13C Heating at high temperature is able to reduce the contamination D educe

8 The neutrons for the s-process: nucleosynthesis of half of all elements heavier than Fe (e.g. W, Pd, La, Nd) Two components were identified and connected to stellar sites: Main s-process ~90<A<210 Weak s-process A<~90 TP-AGB stars massive stars > 10 M⊙ shell He-burning He-flash T9 ~ 0.1 K ≤ T9 ~ 0.4 K cm cm-3 13C(a,n)16O 22Ne(a,n)25Mg core He-burning shell C-burning 3-3.5·108 K ~109 K 106 cm cm-3 22Ne(a,n)25Mg 13C(a,n) 22Ne(a,n)

9 13C(a,n)16O large statistical uncertainties at low energies
Energy region of interest: keV (T = 90 · 106 K) [MeV] c.m. E 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 S [ M e V b ] 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 Davids1968 Bair1973 Kellogg1989 Drotleff1993 Harrissopulos2005 Heil2008 fits/theory Hale1987 Kubono2003 large statistical uncertainties at low energies large scatter in absolute values (normalization problem) unknown systematic uncertainties uncertainties in detection efficiencies contribution from sub-threshold state (E=6.356 MeV in 17O) contribution from electron screening LUNA400 range No data at low energy because of high neutron background in surface laboratories. Extrapolations differ by a factor ~4 (10% accuracy and precision would be required).

10 Direct Kinematics energy range Ecm = 210 – 300 keV (Ebeam ~ 275 – 400 keV) at LUNA-400 energy range Ecm = 240 – 1060 keV (Ebeam ~ 0.3 – 1.4 MeV) at LUNA-MV 4He beam 13CH4 gas target (drawbacks: limit on the density, possible molecule cracking) P = 1 mbar L = 10 cm 13C-enriched solid target (drawbacks: degradation and possible carbon deposition) density 2· at/cm2 (electron gun evaporation, implantation on Au/ Ta, synthetic diamonds……) atoms/cm2 beam induced background (α,n) reactions on target impurities or along the beam line ( 10B, 11B, 17O, 18O) neutron energy range: En = 2 – 3.5 MeV Inverse Kinematics (different systematics) 13C beam (only possible at LUNA-MV) 4He gas target P = 1 mbar L = 10 cm beam induced background: 13C reaction on 2H, 6Li, 7Li, 10B, 11B, 16O, 19F neutron energy range: En = 2 – 5 MeV atoms/cm2

11 Both solid target and gas target solutions are tested @ LNL and LNGS: R&D+first measurement @LUNA400
Reaction rate with enriched 13C target (99%) and Ia = 200 μA Elab [keV] Ecm Rate [neutr/h] Nt = 1018 at/cm2 1200 918 2 105 1000 764 4 106 800 612 2 107 400 306 339 375 287 103 350 268 28 300 229 1.3 275 210 0.2 250 191 0.02 Ia = 1 mA Lower beam current at high energy to reduce the neutron production (maximum acceptable rate: 2000 neutrons/s). ≈ 1-2 months beam time with bck = 0 Work in progress to optimize the neutron detector efficiency for the 3He proportional counters inside a polyethylene cube

12 3He tubes in two concentric ring: r1 inner radius, r2 outer radius
Polyethylene cube of L ~ 40 cm 18 stainless tubes (1 inch diameter, 25 or 40 cm long, P = 10 atm) Expected 2 MeV › 30% r1 r2 A different neutron detector might be developed for LUNA-MV in addition to 3He counters: panels of 6Li loaded plastic scintillator surrounding a polyethylene-graphyte moderator

13 22Ne(a,n)25Mg Eth= 0.57 MeV - Very complex level scheme of 26Mg
- The lowest well studied resonance at Eα=832 keV dominates the rate - The influence of a possible resonance at 635 keV has been ruled out because of parity conservation Only upper limits at: 570<Eα<800 keV (~10 pb), the energy region of interest for AGB stars. Extrapolations may be affected by unknown resonances @T9 < 0.18 the competing reaction 22Ne(α,γ)26Mg (Q=10.6 MeV) should become dominant (400 kV accelerator). For the 22Ne windowless gas target + 3He counters inside moderator. To fully exploit LNGS low background we need: shielded detector, selected tubes, pulse shape discrimination, remove 11B (because of 11B(a,n)14N)… to reach the level of ~10 n/day.

14 14N(p,g)15O: the bottleneck reaction of the CNO cycle in connection
Scientific program of LUNA-MV (first run January 2019) ˃ 10 years mainly devoted to the study of helium and carbon burning First 5 years: 14N(p,g)15O: the bottleneck reaction of the CNO cycle in connection with the solar abundance problem 12C + 12C: the trigger of carbon burning in star, White Dwarf (+Nova or thermonuclear SN) or O-Ne WD or core collapse SN (+neutron star or black hole) Sources of the neutrons responsible for the S-process: 50% of the elements beyond Iron (neutron capture followed by beta decay): 13C(a,n)16O: isotopes with A≥90 during helium burning shell in low mass AGB stars (4 solar masses) 22Ne(a,n)25Mg: isotopes with A‹90 during He burning in high mass AGB stars and during He and C burning in massive stars 12C(a,g)16O: the flagship reaction of the next 5 year plan


16 1400 m of dolomite rock, CaMg(CO3)2, (~3800 m w.e.)
1979 proposed by A. Zichichi , 1989 MACRO experiment ON 1400 m of dolomite rock, CaMg(CO3)2, (~3800 m w.e.) Surf.: m2, Vol.: m3, Ventilation: 1 vol / 3.5 hours (Rn in air Bq m-3) Muon flux: 1.1 m-2h-1, 6 orders of magnitude reduction Neutron flux, mainly from (,n): cm-2s-1 (0-1 keV), cm-2s-1 (> 1 keV), 3 orders of magnitude reduction Gamma rays: only 1 order of magnitude reduction, but with thick shield about 5 orders of magnitude in the region of natural radioactivity and 4-5 orders above 3.2 MeV without any shield Alpha particles: factor ~15 below 3 MeV (shielded Si detector)

17 ≥ 1 month ≥ 308 day - Terminal voltage Ripple (Rms): V

18 Underground accelerators
Bck. Acceler. Beam intensity Program Expected start Notes LUNA LNGS LUNA 400 ~300 mA 13C(a,n) et al., 2017 Solid + gas target JUNA ~ 2 OoM better 400 kV – ECR 10 mA ! 25Mg(p,g) 13C(a,n) 12C(a,g) Mid 2016 2019 Gas target + 3He tubes in liq. Scint. CASPAR ~ LUNA Old 1 MV 150 mA 14N(p,g) ? 22Ne(a,n) ? Gas target + 3He tubes LUNA MV 3.5 MV + ECR 1 mA 14N(p,g) 12C + 12C

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