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Advanced Level Programs and NCATE Unit Review

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1 Advanced Level Programs and NCATE Unit Review

2 Advanced Level Programs
NCATE accreditation covers all programs that prepare professionals to work in P-12 settings. The only exceptions are programs in nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and social work.

3 Advanced Level Programs
What is the definition of advanced level programs? Programs at the post-baccalaureate levels for (1) the continuing education of teachers who have previously completed initial preparation or (2) the preparation of other professional school personnel…including master’s, specialists, and doctoral degree programs, as well as non-degree licensure programs.

4 Advanced Level Programs
Examples of advanced level programs include programs for the continuing education of teachers, including: Curriculum and instruction specialists MAT’s, MEd.’s Examples of advanced level programs also include programs for the preparation of: Superintendents School counselors School psychologists Reading specialists Educational technology specialists

5 Advanced Level Programs
Are advanced level programs included in the NCATE unit review? In the NCATE program review process? Yes, they are included in the NCATE Unit Review Yes, they are included in the NCATE Program Review if NCATE has standards for those program State protocols will say if program review is mandatory If the programs are accredited by another agency, then they need only be included in the unit review for Standards 1 and 6. (See NCATE policy on Relationships with other Nationally Recognized Accrediting Bodies)

6 Advanced Level Programs
Are advanced level programs for educators and non-educators included in the NCATE review? The answer depends on for whom the program was developed and whether the majority of program completers go to work in the P-12 school setting. When there are questions, contact the NCATE office

7 Advanced Level Programs
How are advanced level programs incorporated into the unit review? In Standard 1, specific elements are labeled “Other Professional School Personnel” Content knowledge for other professional school personnel Prof. knowledge and skills for other professional school personnel Student learning for other professional school personnel In Standard 1, some elements are for both initial and advanced Dispositions for all candidates

8 Advanced Level Programs
The elements in Standard 1 for advanced level programs are broad (i.e., content knowledge); individual advanced level programs can address these by using program standards If there are professional/program standards for a given program, then the program should address those standards. See NCATE website under Program Review for list of program standards Programs for the continuing education of teachers are encouraged to use the NBPTS propositions If there are no program standards, the unit must develop them.

9 Advanced Level Programs
In Standard 2, advanced level programs should be a part of the unit assessment system. Like initial level programs, advanced level programs should have: links to the conceptual framework (candidate proficiencies) Transition points Identified assessment measures Proof that assessment measures are accurate, consistent, fair, etc. Studies of graduates (often means surveys of graduates and employers) A system for the collecting, summarizing, and analyzing data Regular use of the data collected and examples

10 Advanced Level Programs
Standard 3 All programs are expected to have field experiences Most advanced level programs are expected to have a clinical component Only advanced level programs for the continuing education of teachers are not expected to have a clinical component. Usually they have a major project that takes place in the candidate’s classroom Most field experiences in programs for the continuing education of teachers occur in the teacher’s own classroom Programs for the continuing education of teachers are expected to expose candidates to diverse school settings

11 Advanced Level Programs
Standard 4 Advanced level programs should assess the unit’s proficiencies related to diversity and should be able to identify where in their curricula they are addressed. If the programs have additional or slightly different proficiencies, this should be clearly stated in the conceptual framework. All of the elements on diverse candidates, faculty, and P-12 students apply to advanced level programs.

12 Advanced Level Programs
Standard 5 and Standard 6 Advanced level programs should meet these standards just as initial level programs do.

13 Advanced Level Programs
How do units work to get advanced level programs into the process? Help faculty understand accreditation as a means of accountability and improvement Help faculty clearly understand what is and what is not being asked of them. Help faculty understand the standards and where they fit into the standards. Seek input from top administrators.

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