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Model Curation Edmund J. Crampin Auckland Bioengineering Institute

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1 Model Curation Edmund J. Crampin Auckland Bioengineering Institute
CellML Curation MIRIAM Automated Curation What is a valid ‘reference description’? Going Further models and data community forum

2 Curation of CellML Models
Level 0 not curated Level 1 encoded model represents published model Level 2 encoded model reproduces published results Level 3 encoded model satisfies domain-specific requirements Levels are not a hierarchy – Level 2 compliance may break Level 1 compliance

3 Level 2: Validity Checking
Validation Simulates reference set of results Simulation / Graphing Metadata (Andrew and Andre) Reference Description Script process of running model, generating plots, validating against published results

4 Domain-Specific Requirements
Units Biophysics Mass balance Charge balance Osmotic balance Thermodynamic consistency Mathematics ICs BCs well-posed

5 MIRIAM Minimum Information Requested In the Annotation of (Biochemical) Models Le Novère et al., Nature Biotechnology , 2005 Arose from ICSB 2004 Heidelberg Proposal in 2 parts: Correspondence to a Reference Description Set of rules for dealing with encoding, structure and results when simulated Annotation scheme documentation of model Ensure that model is properly associated with and reference description and that it is consistent with reference description. Reference description – a scientific article.

6 MIRIAM Reference Correspondence
Encoding in public, machine-readible format Compliance with standard in which encoded Explicit relationship to a set of results Model structure should reflect biological processes Instantiation in a simulation (all quantitative attributes defined – ICs, parameters etc) Instantiation of simulation reproduces set of results listed in 3.

7 MIRIAM Annotation Scheme
Attribution Annotation: association of the model with reference description and encoding process External Data Resources Annotation: link model components to corresponding databases, ontologies (etc.) allows models to be queried

8 MIRIAM Attribution Annotation
Name of model Citation (of Reference Description) Name(s) of creator(s) of encoding Time and date of encoding and modifications Statement of terms of distribution

9 MIRIAM Resources External data resources annotation
Database and web services to map Unique Resource Identifiers (URIs) to worldwide open access bioinformatics resources Implemented in

10 Automating Curation What can be automated?
What must be manually curated? Units (Jsim, Jonathan Cooper – Oxford) Checking of biophysical properties? (mass, charge, osmotic balance?)

11 What is a valid reference description?
MIRIAM: Scientific article Any other unique publication, print or online, which describes precisely the structure of the model, parameters, and expected output Encoded model must correspond to a single RD. Better (?) Can an annotated CellML model be its own reference description? ModelML?

12 Going Further Relationship between model and data Community commentary
Databasing of data used to fit models Automated validation of model results against newly added data sets Community commentary Comments from authors Critiques from community ‘Expert’ information Moderated forum?

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