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Starter Activity In pairs consider what might cause

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1 Starter Activity In pairs consider what might cause
Mercedes Benz to decide to cut back on production of cars Travel agents to put more emphasis on selling low-cost UK holiday rather than expensive over-seas holiday Umbro to increase production of England replica football shirts

2 Lesson Objectives To understand what influences the level of supply
To understand how the supply curve is determined and what can cause it to shift

3 Market Supply The combined quantity that all producers are willing to sell at any given price is known as the market supply. As a general rule, higher prices will lead to more being supplied as there are potentially higher profits to be made per unit In the long term – resources will move between industries looking for highest rates of return – in other words supply will diminish in industries where there are little opportunity for profit to be made

4 Consider this example A Farmer has 10, 2 acre fields and is deciding which crops to sow What would you do and why? Crop & Potential output (Tonnes per acre) Cost of seed (£ per tonne) 2015 prices received (£ per tonne) Expected 2016 prices (£ per tonne) Wheat (5) 50 150 160 Barley (5) 250 220 Potatoes (3) 40 Beetroot (3) 200 190

5 Supply Curve Shows the relationship between price and supply

6 The Supply Curve Price £ Supply £7 £3 800 200
The supply curve slopes upwards from left to right indicating a positive relationship between supply and price. As price rises, it encourages producers to offer more for sale whereas a fall in price would lead to the quantity supplied to fall. £3 200 800

7 Shifts in Supply Shifts can be brought about by many things, but are generally done so by an expansion or shrinking of the industry – some examples include New technology – new products replacing traditional Price/availability of raw materials Improved efficiency – could lead to increase in supply Alternative industries Human Resource issues – e.g. Unions, motivation, retirement age, etc Law change

8 Shifts in Supply Price £ S1 Supply S2 £4 100 400 900
Changes in any of the factors affecting supply other than price will cause the entire supply curve to shift. A shift to the left results in a lower supply at each price; a shift to the right indicates a greater supply at each price. £4 100 400 900

9 Homework Task Investigate two industries – one where Supply has increased and one where Supply has decreased – consider the reasons for the change This will be presented to the class next lesson

10 Plenary Refer back to starter – how would the changes form the starter be shown on a supply curve diagram?

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