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Mrs. Shannon Hornibrook

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1 Mrs. Shannon Hornibrook
AP Physics 1 Please sign in and pick up a course hand out by the window. Mrs. Shannon Hornibrook

2 Advanced Placement, Algebra-based, introductory physics course
Primary focus is on mechanics, but waves and sound, as well as basic circuits and electricity concepts are included in the APP1 course description as per College Board. WTHS and CCC offer the High School Plus option for college credit, so our APP1 course also includes thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. My students will also study some magnetism and electromagnetism concepts. What is AP Physics 1?

3 How is this course different from other physics courses at WTHS?
All of our physics courses are intended to build on a student’s prior learning about motion and Newton’s laws. All of our physics courses seek to instill, develop, or rekindle a desire in our students to know more about the universe and “how things work”. Each course emphasizes the problem-solving skills involved in analyzing physical systems. Each course offers students opportunities to apply their learning through various projects.

4 How is this course different from other physics courses at WTHS
How is this course different from other physics courses at WTHS? (cont’d.) In AP Physics 1, the pace is faster, there is a greater emphasis on student design of experiments and on multiple representations of systems. In AP Physics 1, the students are expected to work more independently on problems and labs than in honors physics or CP physics. Students completing AP Physics 1 can earn a semester of college credit for algebra- based physics and are encouraged to take the AP Physics 1 Exam in May.

5 What textbook and other resources are used?
College Physics (Etkina, et. al.) TIPERs (Hieggelke, et. al.) MasteringPhysics

6 What is MasteringPhysics?
Part of the resource package that supplements our online textbook An online student independent work system that includes traditional “book” problems, conceptual questions, tutorials, ranking tasks, etc. Used extensively at the college level. Students may also be using MyMathLab or MyA&P in other upper level courses here at WTHS.

7 What is MasteringPhysics? (cont’d.)
Most items are automatically graded so that students get instant feedback as to their understanding of the material. Other resources, such as a “Study Area”, the e-textbook itself, and “Dynamic Study Modules” are embedded in the program.

8 What is MasteringPhysics? (cont’d.)
Students are using MasteringPhysics for their Independent Problem Solving, which comprises 10% of the marking period grade, as well as for “Self Assessments”, which count as quizzes (15% of marking period grade). The Independent Problem Solving (Problem Sets) are scored by MasteringPhysics for accuracy, but are entered into Powerschool based on on- time completion of each assignment.

9 How are grades determined?
Tests: 50% Quizzes: 15% Lab Work & Projects: 25% Independent Problem Solving: 10%

10 My child is struggling…what can we do?
This course is inherently difficult for most high school students, and there is a steep learning curve. Students are not accustomed to having to apply algebra and trigonometry skills so frequently (and so early) in a science course. It is also conceptually challenging. It is NOT impossible.

11 At this point, we have had our first exam, and several students are understandably concerned about their grades. If your child is in this situation, please consider the following: What strategies have they been using to learn the material? Have they used their online e- book, read the current and past material, used the dynamic study modules, tried different online physics sites for resources?

12 At this point, we have had our first exam, and several students are understandably concerned about their grades. If your child is in this situation, please consider the following: Have they come in often for help? Have they worked with a “Physics Buddy” on homework or studying? I am available for help. Most days I am here until at least 4 pm. NHS has tutors available who need service hours.

13 At this point, we have had our first exam, and several students are understandably concerned about their grades. If your child is in this situation, please consider the following: Are they talking about dropping? If so, please encourage them to try some new strategies and at least give themselves until the end of MP 1 to make that decision.

14 Questions? is best for me: I will be happy to correspond via or to set up a phone call. I have limited availability during the day to call, but can generally contact you after 3 pm from school. If you do need to call, please leave a voic message at x7252.

15 Additional information regarding AP Physics 1 from the College Board website:
Go to Students can (and should) create an account if they have not done so. Students can access multiple resources for any of their AP classes. The following slides highlight some of the content that is available for AP Physics 1.

16 Highly Recommended as year progresses!
College Board Website Highly Recommended as year progresses! -Students create accounts (username & password) -Use for all AP courses, as well as PSAT and SAT information -Wealth of information about each AP course





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