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Legislative and Regulatory Framework in Korea
Myung-Mo JUNG, Ph.D Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
1.1 Introduction The general safety objective is to protect individuals and the environment from harm by establishing and maintaining in nuclear installations effective defenses against radiological hazards To successfully carry out nuclear power projects, safety should be assured through all stages of project site selection, design, manufacturing, construction, operation, maintenance and decommissioning. KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
The Act defines fundamental matters concerning the development and utilization of atomic energy and safety regulations Atomic Energy Act The Decree provides the technical standards and administrative matters necessary to enforce the Atomic Energy Act Enforcement Decree of the Act (Presidential Decree) Enforcement The Regulation defines the licensing procedures and application methods necessary for the implement of the Atomic Energy Act and Enforcement Decree Regulation of the Act ( Ministerial Ordinance) Notice of the Minister The Notice provides the technical standards and procedures in detail of Science and Technology Codes and Standards for materials, design, test, and inspection of components and equipment Industrial Codes and Standards (KEPIC, ASME, IEEE, ACI, etc.) Fig. 1-1 Legal system of nuclear safety regulation. KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
1.2 nuclear legislative framework Atomic energy act The act was promulgated in march 1958 and amended 18 times Includes provisions on the ; Atomic energy commission, nuclear safety commission Nuclear energy promotion program Construction permit /operating license of nuclear installations Enforcement decree of the atomic energy act: presidential decree Enacted in September 1982, and amended 13 times Systematically defines the technical standards and administrative matters necessary to enforce the atomic energy act KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
Enforcement regulation of the atomic energy act: ministerial ordinance Enacted in April 1983, and amended 9 times Defines the licensing procedures and application methods Two regulations were enacted recently “on technical standards for nuclear facility and for the safe control of radiation” Notice of the minister of science and technology Provides technical standards and procedures in detail Prescribes specific issues including regulatory requirements and technical standards Total of 75 notices have been developed and stipulated Regulatory guides on licensing review and inspection Total of 46 detailed regulatory guides for licensing review and regulatory inspection are developed by KINS KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
1.3 Nuclear regulatory framework President Prime Minister Ministry of Science & Technology Nuclear Safety Commission Nuclear Energy Bureau Special Committee on Nuclear Safety Nuclear Safety Officer Resident Inspectors Office Reactor Systems Sub-Com. Radiation Protection Sub-Com. Site & structure Sub-Com. Regulatory Policy & Systems Sub-Com. Nuclear Emergency & Environment Sub-Com. KINS Fig. 1-2 Organization of nuclear safety regulation. KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
1.3 Nuclear regulatory framework Fig. 1-3 General working mechanism of nuclear regulation and licensing KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
Regulatory organizations Nuclear safety commission Composed of 9 members including the minister of the MOST who chairs the commission Principal function is decision-making on major nuclear safety and regulatory policy and licensing issues. Supported by the special committee on nuclear safety (34 members) that is composed of 5 subcommittees Regulatory authority MOST is a regulatory authority of the Korean government Responsible for establishing and implementing nuclear regulatory policies for activities related to power and research reactors, radiation applications KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
Regulatory expert organization KINS is a technical expert organization to support the MOST KINS is responsible for Safety review and evaluation to assure the safety of nuclear installations; Radioisotopes and radiation generators regulation Safety inspection for nuclear installations Regulation of RI and radiation generators Development of regulatory policy Development of technical standards KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
1.4 Evolution of Nuclear Regulation : A Korean Experience A. Beginning stage From 1971 to 1978, turnkey contract basis Kori unit 1&2 from Westinghouse, Wolsung unit 1(CANDU) from AECL Contractors assumed overall responsibility for the construction schedule, inspection, startup and performance of the plants Licensing and regulation Vendor country’s laws and regulations applied ; for W PWRs : 10CFR, Reg. Guide and SRP of USNRC as mandatory for CANDU : Canadian laws and regulatory requirements as mandatory Domestic laws and regulations were not available at that time for licensing and regulation KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
B. Development stage From 1980 ~ 1986, component approach with foreign contractors Contracts were separately awarded for major components, thus enabling more domestic industries to participate in the projects as subcontractors Six NPPs were constructed : Kori 3&4, Yonggwang 1&2 from W Ulchin 1&2 from Framatome A two-step licensing system, CP and OL, was incorporated into the law KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
C. Self-sufficient stage From 1987 ~ present, standardized stage As part of technological self-reliance program, major efforts have been concentrated on maximizing technological development and improvement of domestic industries Starting with the Yonggwang 3&4 contracts in 1987 : KEPCO took overall management of construction projects Prime contractors were domestic companys foreign companies were subcontractors Technology transfer was an overriding priority in selecting foreign vendors and suppliers ; CE – vendor, S&L – AE KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
The KSNP was developed in 1992. Improved design features against severe accidents but has virtually the same design features as YGN 3&4. UCN 3&4, the first standard units, were permitted for construction in July 1993, with some conditions for implementing safety enhancement; Mid-loop operation, safety depressurization system, hydrogen ignitors as part of severe accident prevention and mitigation Safety enhancement to Yonggwang 5&6 Level control in CVCS, digitalization and duplication of the process control system, human factors in the remote shutdown system, the filtered vent system, etc KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
1.5 Licensing and Regulatory Inspection in Korea Licensing Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants A special attention has been paid to the following items during licensing reviews ; Feedback of domestic and foreign experiences Application of new regulatory requirements Incorporation of the improved design features Evaluation of safety features against severe accidents Establishment of well-defined Quality Assurance Program for major equipment and components Independent assessment of computer codes and methodologies used in safety analysis KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
B. Licensing procedure Early site approval To begin limited construction work on a proposed site before the construction permit is issued An application for approval accompanied by a site survey report and a radiological environmental report to the minister of science and technology Based on the results of the safety review by KINS, minister will grant official approval KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
Construction permit (CP) Objectives of CP : To confirm the safety of the proposed NPP design, which should meet the regulatory codes and standards To review the safety of the preliminary designs and implementation of the regulatory criteria To evaluate the environmental impact and the strategy for minimizing its effects The main documents for the application of CP consist of; Preliminary safety analysis report (PSAR), Quality assurance (QA) program Environmental report (ER) The site survey report & detailed geological survey report KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
Operating license (OL) Confirming the final design meets the acceptance criteria Application documents for OL ; Final safety analysis report(FSAR) Quality assurance program Technical specifications for operation Radiological emergency plan Amendment of OL Change or modifications to operating nuclear facilities should be authorized by regulatory body Relevant safety analysis report or QA program should be submitted to the regulatory body KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
C. Regulatory inspection for nuclear power plants Pre-operational inspection Conducted during the construction to prove that the installation and performance of the facilities meet the safety requirement specified in the relavant technical standards When the proposed facility passes all the pre-operational inspections, the OL is officially issued When the functional test results are unsatisfactory and/or corrective action is necessary official findings or recommendations are issued ; Which should be cleared to pass the pre-operational inspections KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
Regulatory periodical inspection (RPI) Periodic inspection for an operating NPP is conducted to verify whether the nuclear installation is properly operating in conformity with the conditions of the OL; To verify the installation can withstand pressure, radiation and operating environments To verify the performance of the installation maintains license conditions Performed by means of a document inspection and a field inspection during the period of refueling outage for a PWR, and during periodic maintenance for a PHWR The standard periodical inspection items (usually items) are established for each reactor type KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
Daily inspection by resident inspectors To confirm whether the plant is operated in compliance with the technical specifications Monitor the safety parameters and review the station logs everyday When an event occurs, investigate the root cause and extent of the event and report to the MOST and KINS Quality assurance audit To check whether QA activities are being performed in conformity with the QA program The licensee’s QA program should be submitted to the regulatory body for approval KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
Table 1. Standard periodic inspection items for PWR KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
Table 2. Standard periodic inspection items for CANDU Note ; A: Witness B: Test result review KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
1. Nuclear Legislative & Regulatory Framework
D. Enforcement If any violation is found as a result of the regulatory inspection, the license holder should to take corrective or complementary measures If regulatiory enforcement deemed necessary, the minister conduct a regulatory inspection to verify that the documents are in conformity with field conditions and order the operator to take corrective or complementary measures The minister of MOST may order the revocation of the permit (or license) or the suspension of business within a period of not more than one year, when the installer or operator fails to satisfy permit(or license) conditions Any violation of the relevant provisions specified in the act shall cause a penalty or a fine according to its extent KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
2. Review of Legislative Requirements
2.1 Regulatory Body A. Mandates and Duties of Regulatory Body The primary mission of MOST is to ensure adequate protection of the public health and the environment against radiation hazards. Major functions are ; To establish policies for nuclear safety and regulation To review and assess safety information of nuclear installations To issue, amend or revoke licenses for the construction and operation of nuclear installations To conduct regulatory inspections To establish technical standards and regulatory requirements To take necessary enforcement actions, where a violation of regulatory requirements has found To ensure that corrective actions are taken where unsafe or potentially unsafe conditions are detected KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
2. Review of Legislative Requirements
Major functions (cont’d) To ensure the appropriate emergency response capabilities To ensure that the records of occupational radiation exposure are maintained To assure the qualifications of radiation workers To provide safety information to the public for enhancement of public confidence The ministry is responsible to perform the following additional functions: To operate the national environmental radiation monitoring program To initiate and coordinate nuclear safety research and development KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
2. Review of Legislative Requirements
B. Authority and responsibility of regulatory body MOST assumes the responsibility for the following ; To develop the acceptance criteria for construction and operation of nuclear installation To develop technical standards for operational safety measures To ensure compliance at every stage of the siting, design, construction, commissioning, operation, and decommissioning of nuclear installations KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
2. Review of Legislative Requirements
C. Structure and resources of regulatory body and supporting organizations Fig. 2-1 Organization chart of the ministry of science and technology. KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
2. Review of Legislative Requirements
Nuclear safety commission (NSC) The commission deliberates and decides on the following matters: Consolidation and coordination of nuclear safety control The regulation of nuclear materials and reactors The protection against hazards due to radiation exposure The plan for estimation and allocation of expenditures for nuclear safety control The formulation of tests and research for nuclear safety control The fostering and training of researchers and engineers in the area of nuclear safety control The safety management of radioactive waste The measures against radiation accidents, and Other matters deemed important by the chairman KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
2. Review of Legislative Requirements
Divided into 5 sub-committees ; The reactor system sub-committee The radiation protection sub-committee The site and structure sub-committee The nuclear emergency & environment The regulatory policy & system sub-committee KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
2. Review of Legislative Requirements
Korea institute of nuclear safety (KINS) Established in December 1981 and initially operated under the name of "nuclear safety center“ Major functions for nuclear safety regulation are as follows: Safety reviews to licensing, approval of nuclear installations Regulatory inspections during manufacturing, construction and operation of nuclear installations Research and development of the technical standards of safety regulation for nuclear installations License examinations for the handling of nuclear materials and radioisotopes, and the operation of nuclear installations Process of notifications relevant to licensing formalities Quality assurance examination and inspection KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
2. Review of Legislative Requirements
KINS also takes responsibility of nuclear safety regulation technology, technical support to MOST for ; Policy development Radiation protection Information management on safety regulation Monitoring and evaluation of environmental radioactivity 327 staffs of which 274 persons are technical experts KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
2. Review of Legislative Requirements
2.2 Responsibility of License Holder A. Responsibility of License Holder The construction permit (CP) holder assumes the responsibility to construct a nuclear installation as approved The holder also assumes the responsibility to comply with the conditions imposed on the CP by the regulatory body The operating license holder (OL) assumes the responsibility to operate a nuclear installation as approved The holder also assumes the responsibility to comply with the conditions imposed on the OL by the regulatory body The ultimate responsibility for the safety of a nuclear installation rests with the operating organization KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
2. Review of Legislative Requirements
B. Mechanism for regulatory body to ensure that license holder will meet its primary responsibility for safety The installer of a nuclear installation shall undergo pre-operational inspections to verify that the nuclear installation is constructed as previously approved After passing the inspections, the installer can commence operation The operator of a nuclear installation shall undergo periodic inspections to assure that the performance of the nuclear installation maintains conformity with the technical standards as prescribed in the relevant provisions If the installer or operator of a nuclear installation has failed to meet the permit or license conditions, the minister of MOST may order the revocation of the permit or license or the suspension of the business for a given period KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
3. Recommendation to Introduce the NPP
For the successful nuclear power program to introduce the NPP, our suggestion is to make every use of 'late-starter advantage': proven technology and approved system to operate it safely High level of nuclear safety is not achieved solely by the operator because the operator has another objective to produce electricity and may face conflicting situation of safety versus production It is noted that safety regulation and compliance with regulatory requirements shall not relieve the operator of the ultimate responsibility of nuclear safety KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
3. Recommendation to Introduce the NPP
3.1 Role of the Government The government should ; Establish a regulatory infrastructure at an early stage of its nuclear power program Establish a regulatory body enactment of legislation shall start in advance of construction of the first unit of nuclear power plant The primary objectives of legislation to regulate the safety of nuclear power plants and related activities are ; To provide the statutory basis for establishing such a regulatory body KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
3. Recommendation to Introduce the NPP
To provide the legal basis for ensuring that NPPs are sited, designed, constructed, commissioned, operated and decommissioned without undue radiological risks to the site personnel and to the public, and with proper regard to protecting the environment To provide adequate financial indemnification for third parties in the event of a nuclear accident, in view of the potential magnitude of damage and injury which may arise from the accident To provide the regulatory body with the power to establish and enforce the necessary regulations with respect to nuclear safety KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
3. Recommendation to Introduce the NPP
3.2 Responsibility of Regulatory Body To establish a governmental emergency response system To provide adequate funding for the proper operation of the regulatory body The primary objective of the regulatory body is to ensure that the site personnel, the public and the environment are protected from any adverse effects arising from the operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants Safety principles and criteria shall cover the following stages; Siting, Design, Construction, Commissioning, Operation and Decommissioning KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
3. Recommendation to Introduce the NPP
Safety principles and criteria to be prepared for the above stages shall include ; Quality assurance Emergency preparedness Personnel qualifications and training Inspection, testing and maintenance Plant modifications Land use and planning Radiation protection Environmental protection Physical protection Nuclear material control and accounting as related to safety Handling and transportation of nuclear materials in licensed sites KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
3. Recommendation to Introduce the NPP
3.3 Requirements for Regulatory Body Independent from the operator and from other governmental organizations The regulatory body shall not be responsible for the promotion of nuclear power Shall be independent from applicants/licensees, vendors and other related organizations When the regulatory body is established within a greater governmental unit, it should be instituted as a functionally autonomous body within that greater unit and its independence in evaluating safety or environmental protection issues should not be compromised KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
3. Recommendation to Introduce the NPP
3.3 Requirements for Regulatory Body The regulatory body shall have the statutory authority to ensure the effective performance of its responsibilities and functions including the authority ; To communicate directly with higher level governmental authorities in all cases to exercise effective functions of the body To cooperate with other governmental bodies such as health and safety, environmental protection and securities To conclude agreements with other domestic governmental or non-governmental bodies and to delegate tasks to other organizations KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
3. Recommendation to Introduce the NPP
To maintain contact with foreign regulatory bodies and relevant international organizations To enter any time the premises of any nuclear power plant licensed or under review To issue mandatory directives to licensees when necessary to ensure nuclear safety To obtain such documents and opinions from public or private organizations or persons as may be both necessary and appropriate To carry out such responsibilities as stated above, the government should make arrangements for adequate funding so that the regulatory body can function effectively and independently KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
3. Recommendation to Introduce the NPP
Manpower requirement and technical competence ; The regulatory body should have full time staff for performing these assessments or evaluating the adequacy of the assessments performed by consultants The regulatory staff should possessing broad technical expertise for engineering judgement and nuclear health and safety skills, who are capable of assessing on an overall basis for the safety of a nuclear power plant KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
3. Recommendation to Introduce the NPP
3.4 Regulatory Functions Regulatory body shall be engaged in performing the following functions ; Reviewing and assessing safety information submitted by applicants and licensees Issuing, amending or revoking licenses, approvals or permits Carrying out regulatory inspections Taking enforcement actions for violation of safety requirement Ensuring the existence of appropriate emergency response capabilities Ensuring that corrective actions are taken where unsafe or potentially unsafe conditions are detected KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
3. Recommendation to Introduce the NPP
Dealing with, and providing information to, other competent governmental bodies, international organizations and the public, if required Ensuring that appropriate records are kept concerning ; Radiation exposure of personnel, radioactive releases, waste management, unusual occurrences, fuel management, personnel, and plant construction and operating data Establishing regulations and guides Surveillance of appropriate qualification of site personnel responsible for the plant and its operation International cooperation KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
3. Recommendation to Introduce the NPP
The regulatory body should make arrangements to ensure that other governmental bodies, national and international organizations and the general public are provided with adequate information on its regulatory philosophy, organization, procedures and decisions These arrangements may involve: Documents containing the legal basis for the establishment and operation of the regulatory body Documents and announcements relating to proposed or effected licensing and enforcement actions Periodic information on the activities of the regulatory body KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
3. Recommendation to Introduce the NPP
The regulatory body should make arrangements to ensure that other governmental bodies, national and international organizations and the general public be informed of ; Accidents and other significant events Decisions for the siting, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance, or decommissioning of a nuclear power plant KOREA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SAFETY
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