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Created by Yeşim Arslan

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1 Created by Yeşim Arslan


3 Distance education or distance learning is the education of students who may not always be physically present at a school.

4 HISTORY One of the earliest attempts was advertised in in the Boston Gazette for "Caleb Philipps, Teacher of the new method of Short Hand," who sought students who wanted to learn through weekly mailed lessons.

5 The first distance education course in the modern sense was provided by Sir Isaac Pitman in the 1840s, who taught a system of shorthand by mailing texts transcribed into shorthand on postcards and receiving transcriptions from his students in return for correction.

6 The University of London was the first university to offer distance learning degrees, establishing its External Programme in 1828

7 Distance education is not new in Turkey
Distance education is not new in Turkey. It has been started by private educational institutions (namely FONO and Limasollu Naci for teaching English) and as a public service, governmental authorities in early 1950’s.

8 It is understood that demand for Open University has been too low in comparison with traditional university programs. By using other informative and interactive methods this capacity can be enlarged.

9 Some Open Universities in Turkey ;
Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi 

10 Anadolu Üniversitesi

11 Gazi Üniversitesi

12 Sakarya Üniversitesi

13 Çukurova Üniversitesi

14 Ankara Üniversitesi

15 BENEFITS : Distance learning can expand access to education and training for both general populace and businesses since its flexible scheduling structure lessens the effects of the many time-constraints imposed by personal responsibilities and commitments. Devolving some activities off-site alleviates institutional capacity constraints arising from the traditional demand on institutional buildings and infrastructure

16 CRITICISM : Barriers to effective distance education include obstacles such as domestic distractions and unreliable technology, as well as students' program costs, adequate contact with teachers and support services, and a need for more experience.

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