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Emotional Conditioning

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1 Emotional Conditioning
John B. Watson Mary Cover Jones

2 Generalization A response spreads from one specific stimulus to another that resembles the orginal

3 Discrimination Conditioned response does not occur when a similar stimulus is presented

4 Extinction The gradual loss of an association over time

5 Spontaneous Recovery Sudden reappearance of an extinguished response

6 Conditional Emotional Responses
CERs: Learned emotional reactions that occur as a response to predictive cues Examples: Electric Shock leads to fear conditioning Many Psychologists believe that CERs are what send people to therapy for anxiety, panic attacks

7 CERs Examples: A car crash can lead a person to fear driving
A teacher that says “clear your desks” can elicit a feeling of test anxiety Odor can become a CER: It can cause a positive reaction in some, negative in others: Some may remember the smell of gasoline as pleasant as it meant trips Some may hate it as it meant a car wreck

8 TASTE AVERSION Learning to avoid foods that make you sick
It emerges after only one CS-UCS pairing CS-UCS gap is very long but conditioning is strong The association is very selective/it goes with odor Learned response resists unlearning A certain food is eaten then sickness (even if a virus is responsible ) we associate and avoid that food

9 Tumor Anorexia Children that receive chemotherapy which can cause extreme nausea develop taste aversions for foods consumed before treatment

10 Bait Shyness Ranchers put poison in bait to stop coyotes:
Coyotes got sick they would not eat the bait Changed and poisoned the bait which was sheep (mutton) Coyotes got sick but then avoided the sheep.

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