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Pest Detection & Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS)

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Presentation on theme: "Pest Detection & Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pest Detection & Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS)

2 2016 CAPS – PPQ – Farm Bill Surveys - Basics
2016 Measures CAPS PPQ Farm Bill FB Natl Priority States and Territories 52 46 50 42 Total Number of Surveys * 118 144 146 85 Average number of surveys per state * 2.3 3.1 2.9 2.1 Total Number of Unique Exotic Pests for which national surveys were conducted * 223 105 275 211 Average Number of Pests per State 16.2 11.1 23.2 14.2 Average Number of Pests per Survey * 7.7 3.7 8.2 6.9 CAPS & PPQ: Pest Detection funding Farm Bill: Goal 1 Survey

3 2016 Pest Detection Surveys
2016 Measures CAPS CAPS w/o FB Pests # PPQ PPQ w/o FB Pests # CAPS + PPQ w/o FB Pests # Number of 2016 Priority Pests 158 132 127 135 Number Priority Pests with Survey 118 71 124 Percent Priority Pests with Surveys * 74.7% 89.4% 44.9% 55.9% 91.9% Number Priority Pests with No Survey 40 14 87 56 11 Additional Pests Targeted for Survey 105 34 123 Unique Pests Targeted for Survey 223 247 # Removed those pests from the Priority Pest List that appear only in Farm Bill surveys

4 FB National Priority Surveys  FB Natl Priority w/o CAPS Pests #
2016 Farm Bill Surveys 2016 Measures Farm Bill Goal 1 Survey FB w/o CAPS Pests # FB National Priority Surveys  FB Natl Priority w/o CAPS Pests # Number of 2016 Priority Pests 158 147 139 Number Priority Pests with Survey 111 110 Percent Priority Pests with Surveys * 70.3% 75.5% 69.6% 79.1% Number Priority Pests with No Survey 47 36 29 Additional Pests Targeted for Survey 164 101 Unique Pests Targeted for Survey 275 211 #Some Priority Pests are only in a CAPS commodity survey, e.g., Oak. This pest is then removed from the shortened priority pest list. However, some FB surveys, e.g., Stone Fruit and Orchard, contain this pest. While surveys for this pest occur, it is not counted in the FB w/o CAPS calculations because it is not in the shortened priority pest list to be matched against the Survey Summary form list. Large increase in funding from 2014 to 2015, but only a small increase in surveys and pests targeted. However, there was a pronounced movement to the Natl Priority Surveys away from the other surveys in G!S. # Removed those pests from the Priority Pest List that appear only in CAPS surveys  Removed those surveys not defined as National Priority

5 2016 Pest Surveillance Surveys
2016 Measures CAPS + PPQ + FB CAPS + PPQ + FB National Priority  Number of 2016 Priority Pests 158 Number Priority Pests with Survey 142 Percent Priority Pests with Surveys * 89.9% Number Priority Pests with No Survey 16 Additional Pests Targeted for Survey 261 188 Unique Pests Targeted for Survey 403 330 In Farm Bill Goal 1 Survey, all the Priority Pests are being surveyed for in the National Priority Surveys. The remaining surveys in Farm Bill are not addressing Priority Pests. Similar results also were seen for 2013 and 2014 surveys.  Removed those surveys not defined as National Priority

6 2016 CAPS Surveys & Funding Priority Surveys # Funding
Corn Commodity Survey 9 $ ,755 Cotton Commodity Survey 3 $ ,666 Cyst Nematode Survey 2 $ ,074 Woodborer/Bark Beetle Survey 21 $ ,205 Mollusk Survey 4 $ ,657 Oak Commodity Survey $ ,722 Pine Commodity Survey $ ,982 Small Grains Commodity Survey 11 $ ,365 Soybean Commodity Survey $ ,417 Tropical Hosts Commodity Survey $ ,691 Totals 69 $ 1,562,534 Total CAPS Survey 118 $ 2,637,981 Total CAPS Infrastructure 50 $ 3,739,667 State Bundled Surveys # Funding Cerceris Bio-surveillance Survey 1 $ ,053 Citrus Commodity Survey $ ,568 Field Crops Pest Survey 4 $ ,747 Forest Pest Survey 16 $ ,861 Fruit Crops Pest Survey $ ,660 Mixed Berry / Small Fruit Survey $ ,664 Nursery & Retail Plants Pest Survey 18 $ ,578 Palm Pest Survey $ ,000 Pulse Crops Pest Survey $ ,065 Rice Pest Survey $ ,193 Solanaceous Crops Survey 2 $ ,660 Vegetable Crops Pest Survey 5 $ ,169 Totals 49 $ 1,075,447

7 2017 CAPS Surveys & Funding Priority Surveys # Funding
Corn Commodity Survey 12 $ ,954 Cotton Commodity Survey 1 $ ,000 Cyst Nematode Survey 2 $ ,461 Woodborer/Bark Beetle Survey 19 $ ,179 Mollusk Survey 6 $ ,338 Oak Commodity Survey $ ,844 Pine Commodity Survey 5 $ ,275 Small Grains Commodity Survey 8 $ ,437 Soybean Commodity Survey 9 $ ,881 Tropical Hosts Commodity Survey 3 $ ,615 Totals 71 $ 1,449,984 Total CAPS Survey 123 $ 2,645,035 Total CAPS Infrastructure 49 $ 3,613,489 State Bundled Surveys # Funding Agroforestry Pest Survey 1 $ ,503 Cerceris Bio-surveillance Survey 2 $ ,103 Citrus Commodity Survey $ ,941 Field Crops Pest Survey 6 $ ,035 Forest Pest Survey 12 $ ,795 General Nematode Survey $ ,713 Nursery & Retail Plants Pest Survey 20 $ ,719 Palm Pest Survey $ ,500 Rice Pest Survey $ ,161 Tree Nursery Pest Survey $ ,345 Vegetable Crops Pest Survey 4 $ ,236 Totals 52 $ ,195,051

8 CAPS Funding

9 2016-17 Farm Bill National Priority Surveys
2017 Surveys # Funding Asian Defoliator Survey 10 $ 1,107,902 13 $ 1,166,298 Citrus Commodity Survey 2 $ ,556 $ ,000 Cyst Nematode Survey 7 $ ,762 8 $ ,188 EWB/BB - Forest Pests 11 $ ,257 9 $ ,205 Grape Commodity Survey 15 $ ,255 17 $ ,690 Nursery and Ornamental Survey $ ,000 $ ,000 Palm Commodity Survey $ ,000 $ ,146 Orchard / Apple / Fruit Survey 12 $ ,714 $ ,935 Pathway Survey for Pests of Multiple Agricultural Systems 3 $ ,703 $ ,438 Small Fruit / Mixed Berry Commodity Survey 5 $ ,932 $ ,031 Solanaceous/Tomato Commodity Survey $ ,638 $ ,509 Stone Fruit Commodity Survey $ ,547 $ ,333 Terrestrial Mollusk Survey 1 $ ,092 $ ,145 Totals 85 $ 4,835,802 105 $ 5,561,918 Percent of Total G1S 49.1% 41.6% 54.1% 46.1% Percent of Total Farm Bill 18.5% 9.1% 21.6% 10.5%

10 Pest Detections CAPS Measure 2013 2014 2015 2016
New to the United States Percent of significant pest introductions that were detected before they had a chance to spread from the original point of colonization and cause severe economical and/or environmental damage * 88.2% 92.3% 93.8% New or re-introduced into the United States 17 13 19 Percent listed as reportable/actionable 100% Number on Priority Pest List 1 3

11 NAPIS Data Observation Dates – Calendar Year 2014 2015 2016
Total number of Priority Pests 150 144 158 Priority Pests targeted for survey (J-3) 131 (87.3%) 135 (93.8%) 142 (89.9%) Unique pests targeted for survey (J-3) 333 417 403 NAPIS Records 339,815 336,536 117,606 Unique pests with data in NAPIS 755 739 383 Priority Pests with data in NAPIS 118 (81.4%) 122 (84.7%) 125 (79.1%) Priority Pests with no data in NAPIS 27 22 33 Not Priority Pests with data in NAPIS 637 617 258 Priority Pests with positive records 15 11 CAPS + PPQ + FB : CAPS + PPQ + FB natl prior Percent Priority Pest with data in NAPIS is divided by the Priority Pests targeted for survey (J-3) times 100 Priority Pests with NO data in NAPIS is Priority pests targeted for survey minus Priority Pests with data in NAPIS Data from NAPIS

12 2014 Priority Pests with Positive Data in NAPIS (CY2014)
Agrilus planipennis Lissachatina fulica Bactrocera zonata Lymantria dispar asiatica Cernuella virgata Orthotomicus erosus Chrysodeixis chalcites * Oryctes rhinoceros * Enarmonia formosana Trichoferus campestris Globodera pallida Trypodendron domesticum Helicoverpa armigera * Xyleborus glabratus Heterodera filipjevi * New U.S. Record

13 2015 Priority Pests with Positive Data in NAPIS (CY2015)
Agrilus planipennis Raoiella indica Cernuella virgata Rhynchophorus palmarum Epiphyas postvittana Tomicus piniperda Helicoverpa armigera Trichoferus campestris Lymantria dispar asiatica Xyleborus glabratus Orthotomicus erosus

14 2016 Priority Pests with Positive Data in NAPIS (CY2016)
Agrilus planipennis Pectinophora gossypiella Epiphyas postvittana Tomicus piniperda Haplaxius crudus Trichoferus campestris Lycorma delicatula Trogoderma granarium Metamasius hemipterus Xyleborus glabratus Paratachardina pseudolobata

15 CAPS Resource and Collaboration Site

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