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What is virtual law practice?

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1 What is virtual law practice?
A virtual law office is a professional law practice that is located online through a secure portal and is accessible to both the client and the attorney anywhere the parties may access the Internet. Other terminology: elawyering, virtual lawyering, VLO, virtual law firm, web-based or web-enabled law practice, online law practice, delivering legal services online. Features of a virtual law office Methods of eLawyering are found in a virtual law practice. The structure of a VLP – the technology chosen and the services offered will impact the different ethics and pm issues that might arise.

2 What virtual law practice is not
Online legal services without attorney review, such as LegalZoom a law firm website with an “contact us” form communication by a rented physical office that may be shared with other professionals along with a receptionist service

3 How Attorneys Use Virtual Law Offices
Completely Web-based Unbundled or limited legal services Integrated into a traditional law office Unbundled and full-service As a transition method to allow them to continue to practice law while meeting other personal and professional needs: To raise families To care for ill spouses or aging parents To ease into retirement After layoffs, to start a solo practice or work while searching for another legal job

4 Web-based

5 Traditional Firm w/Virtual Law Office

6 Unbundled Legal Services

7 Multijurisdictional Virtual Law Firm

8 Why is Virtual Law Practice Important?
For the Public Greater access to justice Court systems and non-profit legal aid organizations already rely on cloud computing methods to deliver legal services online Affordable and accessible legal services for lower and moderate income individuals Pro-se litigants Pro bono opportunities For the Legal Profession Tech streamlines and automates the workflow allowing the attorney to focus on practicing law Prevent malpractice through automated checks and processes Lower overhead, less office waste, eco-friendly Expanded client base, competitive advantage Better quality of life through work/life balance and flexibility Remote and rural areas providing access to justice for them. Client base to help remote clients

9 Cloud Computing SaaS is one form of cloud computing.
Practicing law “in the cloud.” Most traditional firms already use some form of SaaS Lexis/Westlaw research, , search engines, Google apps, Skype, etc. The technology used to create and maintain the virtual law practice is handled through a secure, third-party hosted system.

10 Ethics Issues UPL Authentication of client identity
Data return and retention policies Backups Server locations and geo-redundancy Third-party hosting Response time/customer service Confidentiality of law office data Who has access? Government and civil search and seizure actions Breach of confidentiality – unlimited liability for data breaches? Transferring Data/Compatibility Issues North Carolina Bar 2010 Proposed Formal Ethics Opinion 7, “Subscribing to Software as a Service While Fulfilling the Duties of Confidentiality and Preservation of Client Property” (April 15, 2010), North Carolina State Bar Journal, Summer 2010, Volume 15, Number 2.

11 Why Cloud Computing? The only effective way to distribute this technology to the legal profession and for attorneys to employ these methods in their practices is through the use of the Internet Cloud computing allows the cost of developing these apps to be spread out over a wide number of users.

12 Future Delivery of Legal Services Online
The growth of online legal services is largely consumer-driven. Trends in outsourcing and the globalization of law firms will also influence this. The legal profession should step up to meet this need or the public will continue to use methods that are not safe or in their best interest to acquire online legal services. In order to stay competitive and to address the needs of clients, most firms will need some form of virtual component in the next five to ten years.

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