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Prepare for Next Week Fourfold Gospel (pages 1-26) Matthew 1:1-25

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1 Prepare for Next Week Fourfold Gospel (pages 1-26) Matthew 1:1-25
Luke 1:1-80, 3:23-38 John 1:1-18

2 Introduction to the gospel accounts
(continued from )

3 GOSPEL: MARK AUTHOR: MARK (also John Mark) Cousin of Barnabas
Travel companion and assistant to Barnabas and Paul Acts 12:25; 13:5; 13:13; 15:36-39; 2 Timothy 4:11; Colossians 4:10; Philemon 1:24; 1 Peter 5:13 What do these records say about him?

4 GOSPEL: MARK Theme / Purpose
Likely written to a Gentile audience to prove the deity and work of Christ. An emphasis on what Jesus did Miracles performed, actions taken. Mark 1:23 – unclean spirit cast out (1:28) 1:30 – Simon Peter’s mother-in-law healed (1:32-34) 1:40 – healed a leper Chapters 1-10 focus on miracles Jesus, the Son of God Mark 1:1, 11, 24; 2:7-10, 3:11 (more demons), 9:7, 15:39 His Humanity Mark 3:31-35 (family calling him), 4:38 (sleeping in the storm), 6:3 (called “the carpenter” contrast to Matthew “the carpenter’s son”)

5 GOSPEL: MARK Unique characteristics: Starts at Jesus’ Baptism by John

6 The Four-Fold Gospel (J.W. McGarvey)

7 GOSPEL: MARK Characteristics: Starts at Jesus’ Baptism by John Action
Greek word “euthus” (straightway, immediately, forthwith) used 42 times (ref. 1:10, 12, 28, 31, 42)/ Word used in Mark more than remaining New Testament. Interactions with demons Mark 1:24; 5:9 (Legion also mentioned Luke 8:30);

8 GOSPEL: MARK Exclusive to Mark: 4:26-29 | Parable, growth of the seed
14: | the young man fleeing at Jesus’ arrest Two miracles 7:31-37 | The deaf and mute man cured 8:22-26 | A blind man cured (“I see men like trees…”)

9 GOSPEL: LUKE Author Likely the only Gentile author in New Testament.
A well-trained Greek Colossians 4:14 “The beloved physician” Often travelled with Paul and Silas (Acts 16:10, 18:22, 19:1ff, 2 Timothy 4:11)

10 GOSPEL: LUKE PURPOSE To set an orderly (chronological) account of Jesus’ life and work [Luke 1:4] (ref. McGarvey ToC) Written to a non-Jewish audience not as familiar with Jewish customs Presents Jesus as the Christ, both man and divine.

11 GOSPEL: LUKE Distinctions: Parables Miracles

12 GOSPEL: LUKE Luke stresses the work of the Holy Spirit
Chapters 1 and 2 (1:35, 41, 67; 2:25…3:16; 4:1) Certain classes of people are given special attention Women are mentioned 43 times Poor and oppressed (ref. Luke 14:7-14, esp. Luke 16:13-31, Lazarus; Luke 18:18-22; Luke 21:1-4) Prayers of Jesus mentioned 13 times. Luke 18:1-8; Luke 22:44

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