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Separable and inseparable prefix verbs in the Perfekt

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1 Separable and inseparable prefix verbs in the Perfekt
Startblock You learned about separable and inseparable prefix verbs in the present tense. In the Perfekt, the past participles of verbs with prefixes are formed slightly differently than those of other verbs.

2 Separable and inseparable prefix verbs in the Perfekt
Verbs with prefixes can be either strong, weak, or mixed. Ihr habt das Zimmer aufgeräumt. You cleaned up the room. Wir haben Kuchen mitgebracht. We brought cake. Sie sind nach Berlin umgezogen. They moved to Berlin.

3 Separable and inseparable prefix verbs in the Perfekt
To form the past participle of a separable prefix verb, add the separable prefix to the past participle of the root verb, before the ‑ge- prefix.

4 Separable and inseparable prefix verbs in the Perfekt
Wir haben das Geschirr weggeräumt. We put away the dishes. Ich habe den kaputten Staubsauger umgetauscht. I exchanged the broken vacuum cleaner.

5 Separable and inseparable prefix verbs in the Perfekt
The past participles of inseparable prefix verbs are formed like those of separable prefix verbs, but without the -ge- prefix.

6 Separable and inseparable prefix verbs in the Perfekt
Herr Koch hat uns einen neuen Gefrierschrank verkauft. Mr. Koch sold us a new freezer. Der Vermieter hat das Loch in der Wand entdeckt. The landlord discovered the hole in the wall. Sarahs Bruder hat uns einmal besucht. Sarah’s brother came to visit us once. Ich habe die Frage nicht verstanden. I didn’t understand the question.

7 Separable and inseparable prefix verbs in the Perfekt
Remember that the prefixes of inseparable prefix verbs are never stressed, while the prefixes of separable prefix verbs are always stressed. Wie viel hast du für den Toaster bezahlt? How much did you pay for the toaster? Wir haben viele Gäste eingeladen. We invited a lot of guests.

8 Separable and inseparable prefix verbs in the Perfekt
Most separable and inseparable prefix verbs are conjugated with haben. However, prefixed verbs that indicate a change in condition or location and do not take a direct object are conjugated with sein. Der Hund hat den sauberen Boden verschmutzt. The dog got the clean floor dirty. Wir sind mit unseren Großeltern in die Schweiz mitgefahren. We went to Switzerland with our grandparents. Du hast den dreckigen Teppich rausgebracht. You took out the dirty rug. Wolfgang ist gestern Abend ausgegangen. Wolfgang went out last night.

9 Separable and inseparable prefix verbs in the Perfekt
Since prefixes change the meaning of a verb, in some cases a prefixed verb is conjugated with sein, while its base form is conjugated with haben. Sie sind vor einem Jahr umgezogen. They moved a year ago. Die Hunde haben den Schlitten gezogen. The dogs pulled the sled.

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