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The European Union supporting SEIS across the neighbourhood

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1 The European Union supporting SEIS across the neighbourhood
11 November 2010


3 The Foreign Policy Framework
What is the basis for the Commission to cooperate with its neighbours on environmental issues? Environmental agreements to which the EU is party As an integral part of EU foreign policy In bilateral agreements - environment is sector highlighted for cooperation For the neighbouring countries relations relations are governed by the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) – Foreign Affairs in the lead. Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia.

4 The basics of the ENP Building upon and strengthening existing relations (legal and institutional accords) Focused policy approach, bringing all thematic policies into bilateral relations, making “neighbourhood” a special category (focus) in external relations Principle of differentiation: progress is rewarded Using relevant EU experience in how to support transition and sequence reforms e.g. “twinning” officials … Gradual approximation with the acquis communautaire in selected relevant areas Increased financial and technical assistance with jointly agreed policy priorities targeted Financial support from the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI)

5 ENP Action Plans The key operational instruments
Country-specific, tailor-made political documents Jointly defined agenda on political & economic reforms Short & medium-term priorities (3-5 years horizon) Political documents Guidance for assistance programming Future model under review

6 Multilateral and Regional policy framework
Union for the Mediterranean/Euro-Mediterranean Horizon 2020 de-pollution initiative infrastructure Capacity building Monitoring and research UfM key priority Eastern Partnership Includes ENP East partners (Russia not included) Platform 2 “Economic Integration and Convergence with EU policies” has a panel “Environment and Climate change” Flagship project on Environmental Governance Black Sea Synergy

7 EU/Russia Relations Strategic Partnership (as with USA, China etc) Russia not in ENP (but does participate in some ENPI projects) 7

8 Framework of EU-Russia foreign relations
EU-Russia Partnership & Cooperation Agreement (in force 1997-). New Agreement currently under negotiation. ‘Common Spaces’ (2005-) set up series of sectoral dialogues including Environmental Dialogue Partnership for Modernisation launched May 2010 includes environmental actions: Shared environmental monitoring system Combating illegal logging – Voluntary Agreement on timber certification Industrial permitting and BAT Transboundary EIA

9 Environmental cooperation in the neighbourhood
The policy framework is much more structured under the ENP than in the past Identified priorities are joint supported at government level not just environment ministries ENPI finance must support ENP Policy Almost all finance for the region comes out of the ENPI Majority in bilateral programmes - beneficiary countries define priorities Activity must support ENP Target priorities of ENP Action Plans (where they exist) Therefore, environmental cooperation must be linked to the ENP to have Commission involvement or financial support from the ENPI. Commission not supporting any ad-hoc or stand alone activities

10 So where does SEIS fit in to all this?
EU Foreign policy linkage EAST Eastern Partnership flagship project Launched in March 2010 SOUTH Horizon 2020 All countries with ENP Action Plans have expressed a wish to work with the European Environment Agency (EEA) in the Action Plan This SEIS project is the vehicle through which that demand will be met EEA can bring SEIS experience to the ENP region Partner countries themselves can help shape SEIS in the ENP region Link to the acquis For both regions SEIS can support collection and monitoring linked to conventions (UNEP MAP, UNECE)

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