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Turn in any work and keep your desk clear!

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Presentation on theme: "Turn in any work and keep your desk clear!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Turn in any work and keep your desk clear!
Welcome!!! BENCHMARK TODAY!!!!! Turn in any work and keep your desk clear!

2 World History II People to Know Review

3 World Religions Founder of Judaism Abraham
Led Jews out of Egypt in the exodus Moses Islamic name for God Allah Founder of Islam Muhammad

4 World Religions Founder of Buddhism Siddhārtha Gautama
Founder of Christianity : according to Christians he is the messiah Jesus of Nazareth

5 Medieval/Crusades/Catholic Church/Renaissance
Muslims from Asia Minor Defeated Constantinople and renamed it Istanbul Traded coffee and ceramics Spread Islam to Middle East, North Africa, and Balkan Peninsula Ottoman Turks Head of Roman Catholic Church Pope

6 Renaissance Artist- Painted Sistine Chapel and sculpted David
Michelangelo Most famous Christian humanist Erasmus Father of Humanism Francesco Petrarch Renaissance playwright and writer of sonnets William Shakespeare

7 Renaissance artist – Painted Mona Lisa and Last Supper
Leonardo da Vinci Invented Printing Press, helped spread Renaissance ideas Johannes Gutenberg

8 Reformation Made Anglican the official English Religion.
Religious tolerance Elizabeth I \ Broke with Catholic Church Created Anglican Church Ruled Anglican Church Henry VIII German monk, faith alone, 95 Theses Martin Luther Predestination, Theocracy, Fled from France John Calvin

9 -- Jesuits Founded the Jesuits Ignatius Loyola
French Catholic, changed the focus of the 30 Years War to political from religious Cardinal Richelieu Founded the Jesuits Ignatius Loyola Catholic order that proselytized for all over the world for Catholic Church -- Jesuits

10 Exploration Portugal- brought people together to study navigation
Prince Henry Wanted to sail West to get to Asia –landed in Caribbean- thought he was in India Christopher Columbus

11 His crew was first to circumnavigate the globe
Magellan First Englishman to sail around globe Drake Spanish Conquistador- conquered Aztecs Cortez Spanish Conquistador – conquered Incas Pizarro

12 English explorer- sailed off the coast of Northern Canada
John Cabot Portuguese explorer Cabral French explorer- claimed Canada for France Cartier Portuguese- first to find water route to Asia Vasco da Gama

13 World Empires Muslims- ruled India- built Taj Mahal
Mughals Muslims- Asia Minor- coffee and ceramics Ottomans

14 Set up trading enclaves for foreigners to trade in
Chinese Africans – traded salt and gold Songhai Kicked out foreigners and became isolationist Japanese

15 Native American civilization- Yucatan- famous for pyramids
Native American civilization- Mexico- corn Aztecs Native American civilization- Peru- Andes Mts.- roads and bridges Incas Native American civilization- Yucatan- famous for pyramids - Mayans

16 WHII.6a Scientific Revolution
Complete chart during presentation!

17 What was life like PRIOR to the Scientific Revolution?

18 What was life like prior to the Scientific Revolution?
Knowledge was often based on superstition or beliefs. Disagreeing with the Catholic Church was heresy

19 What was the Scientific Revolution?

20 What was the Scientific Revolution?
Emphasis on reason and systematic observation of nature. Using logic and observation to figure something out, not just your beliefs. Importance of scientific instruments. Formulation of the scientific method. Expansion of knowledge.

21 WHII.6a Scientific Revolution
Complete chart during presentation!

22 Claudius Ptolemy Egyptian Astronomer Geocentric Theory
“Earth Centered” The sun and other planets move around the sun.

23 Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)
Polish Astronomer/Scientist Heliocentric “sun-centered” Earth and other planets revolve around the sun. Earth is round and rotates and its axis. Feared the Roman Catholic Church.

24 Johannes Kepler ( ) Planetary Motion – Earth moves in oval paths called ellipses around the sun. Proved the heliocentric theory correct. Challenged the Roman Catholic Church

25 Galileo Galilei Built the telescope.
Proved the Heliocentric theory and Planetary Motion correct. Forced to recant by Pope Urban VIII

26 Isaac Newton English Scientist
Used reason to discover Laws of Gravity, Laws of Motion, and calculus.

27 William Harvey English Physician
Used laboratory experiments to prove how blood moves throughout the body using veins and arteries. Studied the working of the heart.

28 Terms Scientific Revolution – Transformation in thinking that occurred during the 1500s and 1600s caused by scientific observation, experimentation, and the questions of traditional opinions. Scientific method – Method of inquiry that includes carefully conducted experiments and mathematical calculations to verity the results of experiments.

29 Terms Geocentric theory – theory according to Ptolemy that Earth is the center of the universe. Heliocentric theory – theory developed by Copernicus that the sun is the center of the universe.


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