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Can you remember the generalisations we discussed?

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Presentation on theme: "Can you remember the generalisations we discussed?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Can you remember the generalisations we discussed?
Do now! Last class we looked at inductive reasoning and generalisations Can you remember the generalisations we discussed? This man was possibly a God. Who was he?

2 Generalisations French people are rude. Water boils at 100 °C.
Most graffiti artists are under 25 years old. All generalisations are dangerous. When spelling in English “i before e except after c”.

3 Generalisations In Spanish, if a words ends in “o” it is masculine.
Pit Bull dogs are dangerous. Norwegians are good at skiing. IB1 students are lazy. Metals expand when heated.

4 Generalisations There have been no AIDS cases amongst OIS students. OIS students must be free from AIDS. Afro-Caribbean people are good at sports. Boys are better at physics than girls. No-one succeeds without hard work.

5 Inductive reasoning What makes a good generalisation?

6 When you’ve agreed your five rules can you write them in your books?
Inductive reasoning What makes a good generalisation? You’ve got 5 minutes in your groups to think of “Five rules for making good generalisations”. When you’ve agreed your five rules can you write them in your books?

7 Let’s have a look at what the book says!
Inductive reasoning What makes a good generalisation? Let’s have a look at what the book says!

8 Good generalisations Number
You should look at a good number of examples. If you see one dog swimming, this is not enough to decide that “all dogs can swim”

9 Good generalisations Variety
You should look at a variety of circumstances. In the example of dogs swimming, looking at different breeds of dog.

10 Good generalisations Exceptions
You should actively look for counter examples. Look for dogs that can’t swim!

11 Good generalisations Coherence
You should look for more evidence to support surprising claims! If somebody suggests that all dogs have superpowers you may demand greater proof!

12 Good generalisations Subject area
Generalisations may be more reliable in some subject areas (e.g. science) than in others (e.g. economics or other social sciences).

13 Can you now look again at the generalisations we discussed.
Do the “good” generalisations pass these tests? What is wrong exactly with the generalisations that you thought were “bad”?

14 Can you now think of two “good” generalisations and two “bad” generalisations of your own. Write them in your books.

15 That’s it. Have a good holiday.
Can you try to fill the left hand pages of your book with your OWN examples of some of the things we have discussed?

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