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4.4 Struggle for Civil Rights

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1 4.4 Struggle for Civil Rights

2 Struggle for rights Southern states passed Jim Crow laws
Separated whites & blacks in most public places Different schools Back of the bus Separate sections of eating places Different water fountains

3 Montgomery Bus Boycott-1955
Brown Decision 1954 Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka KS Supreme Ct ruled it unconstitutional to segregate Inherently unequal Cited the 14th Amendment-equal protection Montgomery Bus Boycott-1955 Rosa Parks arrested for not giving up seat on bus to a white man Martin Luther King Jr. led boycott of bus system Supreme Ct ruled law unconstitutional

4 Martin Luther King Jr. Civil Rights 1964
Led peaceful protests for civil rights I have a dream speech Freedom Riders would ride busses to different places to protest Civil Rights 1964 Far-reaching law Prohibited discrimination in public places Employment Education Voter registration Also gender

5 Civil Rights Gains Affirmative Action
Voting Rights Act of ‘65 opened doors Educational opportunities Professional & managerial opportunities Affirmative Action Controversial 1970’s program Called for hiring & promoting minorities Colleges also admitted more minorities Gratz v. Bollinger went to Supreme Ct. Michigan's point based system was ruled unconstitutional It gave minorities too much

6 Struggle continues 75,000 workplace discrimination complaints/yr
Racial profiling by police Hate crimes Based on race, national origin, disability, religion & gender

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