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Harmful Substances.

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1 Harmful Substances

2 What is a harmful substances?
Harmful substance-many materials or substances used or created that could harm your health. These substances could be dusts, gases, or fumes that you breathe in, or liquids, gels or powders that come into contact with your eyes or skin.

3 1st Video We chose this video because it shows major peer pressure when using harmful substances. It also shows the consequences that happen after we take drugs and how it affects our daily lives. This video shows a man joining the army and a girl moving to a new school. They both get encouraged to do drugs, and before they know it, they’re addicted. The girl is failing school and the man gets kicked out of the army and gets sent into jail.

4 2nd Video We chose this video because it shows how people can get addicted to drugs, cigarettes, alcohol and other harmful substances. Not only does it affect them, but it also harms others around them too. This video shows two sisters, the younger sister an alcoholic and smoker. The other sister is constantly breathing in secondhand smoke and develops lung cancer. It shows a beautiful and moving story that not only helps people stop doing harmful things to their body but it shows love, kindness and the bond between family.

5 Examples Of Harmful Substances:
-Heroin Nitrogen Dioxide -Smoke Phosgene -Bleach Lead -Insect repellent Meth -Bleach Sulfur dioxide -Carbon Monoxide Ammonia -Chlorine Ozone

6 Where harmful substances are found
There are harmful substances lingering around your environment, atmosphere, in factories, in vehicles, animals, and even in your own home. The environment and atmosphere can carry lots of harmful gases produced by factories and cars. Animals can carry poisonous and highly toxic fumes or gases for self protection, and the many cleaning supplies, bug repellent, bleach and many other harmful chemicals can be found in your house.

7 How to keep yourself safe from harmful substances?
-Wear a mask -Hold your breath when a car or vehicle passes by so you inhale the chemicals -Don’t go near factories -Don’t go near brightly coloured animals -If you touches something toxic, wash your hands 5 times and don’t touch your mouth or eyes -

8 Effects from harmful substances on your body
-Skin cancer Dry throat -Lung cancer Aging quicker -Weight loss Liver damage -Lower immune system Stroke -Breast cancer Anxious, depressed, moody -Tiredness Death -Breathing difficulties Oral cancer

9 How to help someone who has come into contact with a harmful substance
-Call 911 -If the substance came into contact with mouth, don’t drink for at least an hour -Help the person flush eyes, skin, mouth, ears or the body part that came into contact with a substance for minutes with cold water -Take them to a place with lots of fresh air/put an oxygen mask on if needed -Make sure you the person keeps calm -Don’t get the chemical into your own system while helping the person

10 How to detect harmful substances with nail polish
4 students from North Carolina State University created a nail polish that can detect rape drugs such as GHB, Rohypnol, and Xanax. Just stir your finger in a drink or substance and if your nail polish color changes, you know it’s unsafe.

11 Fun facts -More teens die from prescription drugs than heroin/cocaine combined. -In 2013, more high school seniors regularly used marijuana than cigarettes as 22.7% smoked pot in the last month, compared to 16.3% who smoked cigarettes. -Smoking causes 30% of cancer deaths in Canada -60% of seniors don't see regular marijuana use as harmful, but THC (the active ingredient in the drug that causes addiction) is nearly 5 times stronger than it was 20 years ago. -1/3 of teenagers who live in states with medical marijuana laws get their pot from other people's prescriptions.

12 Song Hello, it’s me Caffeine. I was wondering why you haven’t had four of me lately. I keep you alert, and awake. They say too much of me will make you nervous and maybe a little crazy, but you can’t seem to get rid of me. Hello, can you smell me? I’m the cigarette that’s clouding every organ in your body, for every one of me your smoke. I take away eleven minutes of your young life. There’s not much difference, between us, substance, abuse or addiction. Hello from the healthy side, I must have called a thousand times. To tell you, to stop, ruining your life, but when I call you never seem to stop. Hello from the outside, at least I can say that i’ve tried, to tell you, i’m sorry, for hurting your body. But it matters, I clearly don’t want to tear you apart anymore.

13 !!!Kahoot!!!

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