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"i before e except after c" rule

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Presentation on theme: ""i before e except after c" rule"— Presentation transcript:

1 "i before e except after c" rule
Here’s a better way to remember the rule: " i before e except after a c but not when c is a "sh" sound and not when sounded like 'a' as in or weigh.” ( i before e rule) believe, achieve (except after c) receive, ceiling (but not when c is sounded like sh) ancient, proficient (not when sounded like 'a' ) eight, beige. Exceptions: neither, leisure, seizure, foreign neighbour

2 PRACTICE For each word decide if it is spelled correctly. If it
is correct, write it down; if it is not correct fix it. mischeif concieted sieze weigh deceived reciever deisel

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