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The New Academic Framework and progression

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1 The New Academic Framework and progression

2 The New Academic Framework
Many aspects of the framework for undergraduate programmes has changed. These changes include: Running year long 30 credit modules rather than 20 credit semester-long modules (though some 15 credit modules do still exist); Greater opportunities for formative assessment; Assessment Boards now make decisions on student progress and see students at a programme level.

3 Other changes to UEL’s undergraduate Regulatory Framework
Reassessment period has been brought forward to early summer (for 2015/16) There is the possibility of submitting coursework up to 24 hours late with a deduction of 5 marks – instructions for this are on the website – add weblink; Students need to have successfully completed at least 90 credits per year to progress;

4 Reassessment and Repeat – UG
Reassessment if not passed on assessment all components <40% reassessed (unless pass compensation can be awarded and other thresholds met) all components ≥40% marks carried through reassessment in summer reassessed components capped at 40% achieved mark shown on Diploma Supplement If not passed on reassessment Assessment boards will make the decision – for students without a full credit load this can include repeating one assessment item only; repeating the failed module alongside the next level; repeating the year of study (which can only happen once during the lifetime of the student); switching to part time study to make up; or withdrawing from UEL.

5 Assessment Boards Subject Area Progression Boards (one per subject area) approves standards for all Subject Area modules confirms module marks for modules at all levels awards credit, including A(E)L credit, compensation and implements extenuation decisions makes programme progression decisions for students on each programme in the subject area Subject Area Award Boards confers awards and classification awards compensation (and credit) implements Extenuation decisions

6 Classification Postgraduate Masters
Pass 50-59% Merit 60%-69%, Distinction 70%+ Undergraduate – (students on transition will be given either the old or new algorithm) Arithmetic mean of the best 90 credits at level 6 X 0.8 + Arithmetic mean of the next best 90 credits at levels 5 and/or 6 X 0.2 70% - 100% First Class Honours 60% - 69% Second Class Honours, First Division 50% - 59% Second Class Honours, Second Division 40% - 49% Third Class Honours 0% - 39% Not passed

7 Transition students Many of the students who joined prior to the New Academic Framework may have gaps in their credit profile; It is necessary to ensure that students have a full profile and move onto the next level; Separate transition regulations were approved to run alongside the new regulations, initially for two years but this could be extended; Transition students need to pass 90 credits per year, although these can be at different levels; Transition students classification will be calculated using both the old and new algorithms

8 Extenuation Central panel still considers all claims, and some of the same outcomes apply – eg work within seven days marked if accepted extenuation. Students can now apply for extenuation at resit even if they didn’t at the first sit Assessment boards will know if extenuation has been granted when considering student profile.

9 The Board Process Module marks entered (using Web Mark Entry)
Input of extenuation decisions to DELTA Pre Board held production of module reports POG Progression Board held Post Board amendments to results (e.g. EE moderation) Process Module Results (TMR) Production of Award Board reports (pre-checking of awards by programme leaders) Award Board held To ensure that results will be received at the subject area boards, it is essential that tutors enter their module results by the published WME deadline. There is a sequence of processes that follow and if any results are late, they risk delaying the other processes which may risk a module not being received by the board. This would have serious consequences for the progression boards as they would have incomplete student profiles. New UG regulations allow for a 5% deduction of the component marks where work is received within 24 hours of the published deadline. This does not apply to other student groups e.g. PG, DL, franchise etc

10 Pre-boards Pre-boards will be highly effective in streamlining the Progression boards Prepare progression recommendations Opportunity to discuss complex student profiles to produce a recommendation Pre-boards do not form part of the formal University governance structure and are not attended by EEs or assessment board members Scheduled between the availability of results and before the Progression board Assessment Unit will organise with assistance of School Academic Registry Staff

11 Progression Board Statistical Data POGS (Module data)
Academic Misconduct APL/ACL Extenuation Progression Reports (Including Combined Honours students) Also include Pass Compensation report

12 Possible progression decisions
All students are entitled to one resit of any component that they fail (except for Academic Misconduct) More complex progression decisions expected at the resit boards Options include allowing any student who has passed a minimum of 90 credits but fewer than 120 credits to retake (capped) any failed components Enabling students with fewer than 90 credits to retake the academic year, in full, with no capping Not progressing students with fewer than 60 credits, who will then have to leave UEL, unless there is accepted extenuation

13 Possible progression decisions
Progress – 120, 105 or 90 credits and achievable for student to pick up missing components alongside study at next level Repeat – some success but not across all modules – eg passed credits, or fewer with evidenced extenuation Leave – fewer than 60 credits factoring in approved/rejected extenuation Proceed decisions for part time students

14 Questions? Please contact Peter Board, Quality Manager (Collaborations) at

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