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Avatars: Bringing Case Studies to Life

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1 Avatars: Bringing Case Studies to Life
Rachel Ramsey, MS, RN & Cheryl Rockwell, MS, RN Indiana University – Purdue University Fort Wayne Introduction Instructional methods that employ technologies used in the current social environment may increase student engagement and interest in course content. Avatars are frequently used as personal representations in gaming and online environments. Using avatars in the classroom to represent case-study patients can bring traditional case studies to life, resulting in engagement through meaningful interaction with patients in the classroom environment. Case-studies successfully promote critical thinking and understanding of knowledge; bringing the technology of avatars and case studies together can promote engagement and application of course content. Goal: Through the use of “living” case-studies, we aimed to Improve nursing students’ understanding of the subjective nature of pain and increase their ability to accurately assess pain and apply appropriate interventions to relieve pain in a variety patient populations. Implementation PowerPoint introduction to concepts Overview: Physiology Assessment Patient Considerations Intervention Evaluation Avatar Case-Study Initiated Avatar Introduced Collaborative Exploration Dialogue – Students & Avatar Unfolding Case-Study Student-led patient Interview Pain experience Pain assessment Evaluation of current pain management plan Class Discussion Psychological, social factors Effectiveness of management plan Modifications to management plan Results Real-time assessment of the activity was encouraging: students were receptive students were engaged Mean total perception score was 4.05 (SD = 0.48) on a 5 point scale. A more interesting approach to learning than traditional lecture. A more effective approach to learning than traditional lecture. Neither age nor gender had an effect on students’ perceptions of the avatar case-studies. 1= Strongly Disagree = Disagree = Unsure = Agree = Strongly Agree Bibliography Benner, P., Sutphen, M., Leonard, V., & Day, L. (2010). Educating nurses: A call for radical transformation. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Boss. Brill, J., & Park, Y. (2008). Facilitating engaged learning in the interaction age: Taking a pedagogically-disciplined approach to innovation with emergent technologies. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in HigherEducation, 20(1), Delpier, T. (2006). Cases 101: Learning to teach with cases. Nursing Education Perspectives, 27(4), Goodrich, C. (2006). Students’ and faculty members’ knowledge and attitudes regarding pain management: A descriptive survey. Journal of Nursing Education, 45(3), Horbury, C., Henderson, A., & Bromley, B. (2005). Influences of patient behavior on clinical nurses’ pain assessment: Implications for continuing education. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 26(1),   Novotney, A. (2010). Engaging the millennial learner. Retrieved from Posel, N., Fleiszer, D., & Shore, B. (2009). 12 tips: Guidelines for authoring virtual patient cases. Medical Teacher, 31, Rowles, C. J., & Russo, B. L. (2009). Strategies to promote critical thinking and active learning. In D. M. Billings & J. A. Halstead (Eds.), Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (3rd Edn.) (pp ). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier. Schmidt, B., & Stewart, S. (2009). Implementing the virtual reality learning environment. Nurse Educator, 34(4), 152- 155. Conclusions Enhancing traditional case-studies with avatar technology encourages interaction by allowing students to dialogue with patients while in the classroom, where students have the support of the instructor and peers. In this study, “living” case-studies enriched the learning experiences of nursing students of both genders and a variety of ages. Further research directions: Using avatar case-studies with a larger sample. Investigating the impact of avatar case-studies on learning outcomes. students’ abilities to critically think about pain management. Determining if students experience greater connectedness with avatar patients than with traditional case-study patients. Examining the impact of avatar case-studies on the pain management theory-practice gap. Patient Avatar

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