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Standard 2 (objective 2) By: Ryan and Easton.

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Presentation on theme: "Standard 2 (objective 2) By: Ryan and Easton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standard 2 (objective 2) By: Ryan and Easton

2 Question Match the following: Supination Abduction Adduction
Dorsiflexion Plantarflexion

3 Movements and Counter Movements
Flexion When you bring the muscle toward your body (flex bicep) Extension When you push your muscle away from your body (extend your tricep) Hyperextension When you extend a joint further than it’s normal capacity

4 Adduction/Abduction Adduction Abduction
To bring a muscle or limb closer to the midline of your body Abduction To bring a muscle or limb further away from the midline of you body

5 Pronation/Supination
To turn or hold (a hand, foot, or limb) so that the palm or sole is facing downward or inward Used to describe exercises Supination To turn or hold (a hand, foot, or limb) so that the palm or sole is facing upward or outward Also used to describe exercises With bicep curls your palms are supinated

6 Dorsiflexion/Plantarflexion
To bend (something, typically the hand or foot) dorsally or toward its upper surface Plantarflexion Extension of the ankle, pointing of the foot and toes.

7 Elevation and Depression
the action or fact of elevating or being elevated Shoulder shrugs Depression the action of lowering something or pressing something down Tricep dips


9 Rotation/Circumduction
The action of rotating around an axis or center Core Shoulders Circumduction Movement of a limb or extremity so that the distal end describes a circle while the proximal end remains fixed Not really a weight exercise Therapy

10 Test Question

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