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Cara Martin-Tetreault, Director of Sponsored Research

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1 We can’t do it alone: collaborating across campus to support data management
Cara Martin-Tetreault, Director of Sponsored Research Sue O’ Dell, Science Librarian Barbara Levergood, Research & Instruction Librarian Bowdoin College Oberlin Digital Scholarship Conference, 12 June 2016

2 Bowdoin College: A Snapshot
207 FTE & 1,796 undergraduates 36 departments and programs About 100 grant applications are submitted securing between one and three million in external funding annually. Grant portfolio of over $9 million includes 20+NSF, 2 NASA, 6 NIH and 2 Department of Education. Cara Bowdoin College

3 Bowdoin College: Snapshot of Library
4 libraries on campus 10 of 17 librarians support research and/or instruction; 2 are most involved with data support 5 Academic Technology & Consulting staff; director reports to College Librarian Information Technology is a separate unit. Sue Bowdoin College

4 How did we get here from the perspective of the grants officer?
NIH Open Access discussions 2010 NSF Data Management Plan requirement Meet with IT/ Associate Librarian to discuss DMP COGR, Access to, Sharing and Retention of Research Data: Rights & Responsibilities, Carol Blum Data Services Planning Team = Sue/Barbara introduction Worcester meeting Optimal point and where do you start Cara Bowdoin College

5 How did we get here from the perspective of the Library?
Bowdoin Digital Commons (2011-) DMP archive Faculty questions Digital and Computational Studies Initiative (2012-) Curricular initiative Data Services Planning Team (2014) Environmental scan Determine existing methods of support Recommendations for service development Identify staff training needs Sue & Barbara Digital and Computational Studies is a faculty curricular initiative that began in It aims to "connect students across disciplines through computational thinking, data analysis, critical interrogation and design of digital resources, and the understanding of the ways that technological changes are impacting everyday life". They are interested in the availability of resources on campus so that they can do good data management. In 2014, the Data Services Planning Team, with members from the Library, Academic Technology and Consulting, and IT, did an environmental scan to gather information about current data use and anticipated needs. We looked at existing support systems and made recommendations about the development of services and training. Because of the needs that we were able to document, both from the faculty as well as from the Office of Sponsored Research, data management planning was one of the first things the Library decided to move forward on. Bowdoin College

6 Grants and Compliance Office
Questions Grants and Compliance Office Library What is the College responsible for? Who is responsible for management? PIs? College? How to teach stakeholders? Can faculty write DMP costs into grants? Where will data live and who will track? Who enforces compliance? What must the College do? What is the definition of data?????? What is the definition of data? What are the needs of faculty? Of students? What data services should we offer at what levels? What are the data storage options? Who will provide the services? Is staffing adequate? How will staff be trained? Who else needs to be involved or informed? What are IP/licensing issues? Are existing policies adequate? Cara to present – all to brainstorm from our notes Sue & Barbara – include library questions that arose (BL done) BL suggested text: The library had many of the same questions such as the definition of data, the adequacy of existing policies, etc., but we are also concerned with support and collections issues for data management, including research data, freely available data, and commercially available data. What are the needs? What services should we offer? Who will provide the services? Is the staffing adequate? Who will provide training? What are the intellectual property and licensing issues? (For instance, if we purchase data that are restrictively licensed, we may need a data management plan.) Are our existing policies adequate? Bowdoin College

7 Priorities Bowdoin can confidently stand behind DM plans.
DMP tool, Route/Review process adding Sue or Barbara to sign off on DMP Baseline workshop Educate faculty What do they know and what do they do? Benchmark where Bowdoin is among peers and what are others doing Cara Bowdoin College

8 Successes & Observations
Workshop Faculty buy-in Great DMPs Request for student training Kudos from administration Encouragement to submit proposals to conferences It’s not about compliance, it’s about their success. We can’t do it alone, and we wouldn’t want to. Built a solid foundation for collaborations Data management is a campus-wide goal. Vertical support Campus recognition as data management resource Cara Bowdoin College

9 Future Plans Deliver workshop to undergraduate research fellows and faculty this summer. Collect and compile information from peers. Present to upper level admin and draft proposal for next steps/policies. FAQ for faculty – web presence, linking campus resources Outreach to liaisons in Library and Academic Technology & Consulting Use of Bowdoin Digital Commons for data archiving Consider assessment opportunities. Cara Bowdoin College

10 Your Turn! What are you doing at your institutions? Where are you?
Where do you want to be? Who are your partners? Who do you want as partner(s)? Questions? Sue – scribe, Cara - facilitate Bowdoin College

11 Thank You! Cara Martin-Tetreault, Director of Sponsored Research, Sue O’ Dell, Science Librarian, Barbara Levergood, Research & Instruction Librarian, We also thank Bowdoin College for their support for data management planning. Bowdoin College

12 Related Readings Blum, Carol. Access to, Sharing and Retention of Research Data: Rights & Responsibilities. Council on Governmental Relations. October 2011; published date 1 March Briney, Kristin, Abigail Goben, and Lisa Zilinsky. “Do You Have an Institutional Data Policy? A Review of the Current Landscape of Library Data Services and Institutional Data Policies.” Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 3, no. 2 (2015): eP Goldstein, Sarah and Sarah K. Oelker. “Planning for Data Curation in the Small Liberal Arts College Environment.” Sci-Tech News 65, no. 3, article 4 (2011). New England Collaborative Data Management Curriculum, Peters, Christie and Anita Riley Dryden. “Assessing the Academic Library's Role in Campus-Wide Research Data Management: A First Step at the University of Houston.” Science & Technology Libraries 30, no. 4 (2011): Rozum, Betty and Becky Thoms. “A Match Made in Data Heaven: Libraries Partnering with Offices of Research.” bepress webinar, 31 March Whitmire, A. L., Michael Boock, and Shan C. Sutton. “Variability in Academic Research Data Management Practices: Implications for Data Services Development From a Faculty Survey.” Program 49, no. 4, (2015): doi: /PROG Barbara

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