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Teacher Training Team T3 Nov

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1 Teacher Training Team T3 Nov
Teacher Training Team T3 Nov. 19, San Joaquin County Office of Education

2 Orientation Evacuation: Across the street under the solar parking structure Restrooms Building Intruder 911

3 Introductions Name School site Grade level
What is your strength with writing lessons?

4 Sub Costs Please have your district send the invoice for your sub costs to Amy Kennedy at Phone:

5 Teacher Training Team You have all been recommended as teacher leaders in the region with a variety of skills and experiences. Our mission is to support Region 6 with the implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards. Currently, teachers need sample NGSS 5E Lessons.

6 Survey Results

7 Previous Work Identifying NGSS Practices Activity
Experience Science and Engineering Practices and how curriculum can influence what students learn Overview of NGSS and Structure Review current state standards by grade level Cross reference proposed NGSS standards by grade level ???? 10 of 23 are new

8 Previous Work Round Robin PD Options
Planning 2 hour, ½ day, and Full Day PD Logistics Modeling Phenomena… Air Pressure Stop Motion Animation to share conceptual understanding

9 Today’s Goals – Day 1 Review NGSS and Conceptual Flow Mapping.
Learning Progressions and 5E Lesson plans Brainstorm ideas for 5E Lesson based on a specific PE/Learning Progressions

10 Goals for March – Day 2 Bring ideas from your selected PE/Learning Performance. Begin to write and develop the following based on your PE Conceptual Flow Map Learning Progressions 5E Lesson

11 Goals for March 3 – Day 3 Complete 5E Lessons Materials supplies list
Review / Proof Lessons “Kit It”

12 Three Important Shifts….
3 Dimensional Instruction Performance Expectations/Assessment Curriculum/Instructional Materials

13 Sense-Making Science is fundamentally about making sense of the natural world. We often use the language: “figure something out”. When you are trying to figure something out, you are trying to make sense of it. You are engaged in the process of sense-making. The learner is the one doing the sense-making.

14 Review Structure of the NGSS
Points out how to read the NGSS standards and points out the engineering applications suggested in the PEs

15 Supporting Resources
CA Framework CS NGSS Standards NGSS Appendices Evidence Statements

16 Overview Step 1 Tool A Step 2 Tool B & C Step 3 5E-3D Lessons
Conceptual Flows Step 2 Tool B & C PQP Charts with CCC Step 3 5E-3D Lessons

17 Steps 1 & 2 Produce Conceptual Flows for Core Ideas in Each of the three subjects and Grade Levels with Engineering Integrated. Use the Conceptual Flow Tool to produce an NGSS Conceptual Flow Maps Link DCI, PE, Practices and Cross Cutting Concepts on Conceptual Flow Performance Question Phenomenon Charts for each Component Idea.

18 Review CFM In small groups, review a CFM.
Group members with a flow map with debrief the process with new members. Handout of CFM process

19 From Conceptual Flow to Preliminary Sequence to 5Es
Tool D From Conceptual Flow to Preliminary Sequence to 5Es 5E Learning Sequence Select chunk from CF; complete preliminary sequence template using concepts and PQP and CCC charts, create 5 E—concept column first Produce Learning Performances K-12 Alliance/WestEd ‘14

20 Tool D5E Identify a Learning “Chunk” from the CF
Break down PE to it’s components Arrange into Learning Performances 4. Arrange concepts in a preliminary sequence Use template to “build out” the sequence Create 5E stages for entire sequence using the concepts as the “backbone” of instruction 7. Refine

21 Characteristics of an NGSS 3D Lesson
Starts with phenomenon Is student-centered; not teacher-directed Moves students from their prior knowledge to the concepts you want students to learn Provides 3D learning Takes place over time—but not in one period/lesson! At this point make sure teachers know what 5e learning is. Use the handouts/files for the BCSC 5E learning sequence as conversation starters if teachers are unfamiliar with this learning sequence.

22 Select A Learning “Chunk” Step 1 select a chunck

23 Constructing a set of Learning Performances
Identify key component(s) of disciplinary knowledge from the disciplinary core unpacking Identify key component(s) from the practices unpacking Identify key component(s) from the CCC unpacking Construct statements or “claims” of what a student should be able to do Crosscutting Concepts Unpack Disciplinary Practices Unpack Disciplinary Core Ideas Unpack Crosscutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas Practices Construct Learning Performances (LPs) Joe Krajcik and Christopher Harris CSP Presentation Aug 24-26, 2015

24 Constructing a Learning Performance
MS-PS1-2 : Analyze and interpret data on the properties of substances before and after the substances interact to determine if a chemical reaction has occurred. Constructing a Learning Performance DCI Components: Structure and properties of matter: Each pure substance has characteristic physical and chemical properties…that can be used to identify it. Chemical Reactions: …In a chemical process, the atoms that make up the original substances are regrouped into different molecules, and these new substances have different properties from those of the reactants. Practice: Analyze and Interpret data Crosscutting Concept: Patterns (similarities & differences) Learning Performance 1: Students analyze and interpret data to determine whether substances are the same or different based upon characteristic properties. Joe Krajcik and Christopher Harris CSP Presentation Aug 24-26, 2015

25 Example: From a Performance Expectation to Learning Performances
MS-PS1-2 Analyze and interpret data on the properties of substances before and after the substances interact to determine if a chemical reaction has occurred. LP 1: Students analyze and interpret data to determine whether substances are the same or different based upon characteristic properties. LP 2: Students construct a scientific explanation to support a claim that substances are the same based upon characteristic properties. LP 3: Students construct a scientific explanation about whether a chemical reaction has occurred based on properties of substances before and after substances interact. Make into Handout with three colored highlighters. Joe Krajcik and Christopher Harris CSP Presentation Aug 24-26, 2015

26 Analysis of Learning Performances
Look at the Handout of the PE with three Learning Performances Highlight the Science and Engineering Practices in Blue Highlight the Content in Orange Highlight the Cross Cutting Concepts in Green Discuss with your table group the value in breaking down PE’s into Learning Performances

27 Making Your Own Learning Performances
Step 1: Select a PE from your CFM “chunk” Step 2: Read the Associated DCI’s with the PE Break down the DCI into Component Learning Step 3: Repeat for SEP’s and CCC’s Select one of each to produce Learning Performances

28 Next Steps: Preliminary Learning Sequence Template
Produce Learning Performances

29 Preliminary Learning Sequence Template
Add chunks to template in the concept area

30 5E Lesson Plan Produce Learning Performances
You will introduce the 5e lesson plan but they will not have time to start working on this. Produce Learning Performances

31 Design the 5E Learning Sequence
What teachers are doing What students are doing Science Concepts (DCI, SEP, CCC) Use the concepts from the preliminary sequence to develop the Instructional Conceptual Flow

32 Identify the 5Es Students….
Engage: express prior knowledge Explore*: “mess” around with the concept Explain*: tell/show what they know about the concept Elaborate: apply what they know about the concept Evaluate: summarize what they understand about the concept *may be multiple stages Details of what BSCS information and handouts New 5e lesson template

33 5E Lessons available are not exemplars…yet
Example of 5E Lessons NSTA Publications 5E Lessons available are not exemplars…yet

34 Today’s Goals – Day 1 Review NGSS and Conceptual Flow Mapping.
Learning Progressions and 5E Lesson plans Brainstorm ideas for 5E Lesson based on a specific PE/Learning Progressions

35 Goals for March – Day 2 Bring ideas from your selected PE/Learning Performance. Begin to write and develop the following based on your PE Conceptual Flow Map Learning Progressions 5E Lesson

36 Goals for March 3 – Day 3 Complete 5E Lessons Materials supplies list
Review / Proof Lessons “Kit It”

37 Questions? Kirk Brown 209-468-4880
Director of Office of STEM San Joaquin County Office of Education Lissa Gilmore Coordinator

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