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Gays and Lesbian Association of Zimbabwe (GALZ)

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Presentation on theme: "Gays and Lesbian Association of Zimbabwe (GALZ)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gays and Lesbian Association of Zimbabwe (GALZ)
Experiences of sensitizing health care providers on health needs of LGBTI people in Zimbabwe Caroline Maposhere Zimbabwe Gays and Lesbian Association of Zimbabwe (GALZ)

2 Presentation Outline Background Sensitisation sessions
Countries that criminalise same sex relations Impact of criminalisation Effects of reinforced negative messaging Barriers to health care Sensitisation sessions Stereotyping Introspective sessions on Journey of life binaries and boxes Reactions to training sessions Lessons learnt Conclusions

3 Background – Countries that criminalise same sex relations

4 Background Impact of criminalization
Same sex relations secrecy and silence black mailing, extortion society stigma and discrimination State criminalization

5 Background Effects of reinforced negative messaging on LGBTI people
Self stigma, feelings of guilt, shame and feelings of low self worth among LGBTI people prevent them from seeking care Fear of being reported to the police Fear of ridicule in community Withdrawal, isolation, depression, suicidal

6 Background Barriers to health care
homophobic statements from media, national leadership and religious leaders lead to health care providers have negative and discriminating attitudes towards LGBTI groups Misdiagnosis because of poor history taking where embarrassing and intrusive questions are asked When did you decide to be gay? Do your parents know that this is what you are doing? Don’t you want to have children? So how do you do your sex?

7 Sensitization sessions – Stereotyping
Discuss how different groups are stereotyped Left handed people Twins Albinos Discuss terms, negative labels and all the degrading names used on LGBTI people Paper squashing exercise

8 Introspective and Reflective sessions: Journey of life
Define sexuality – (Use WHO definition) Think back on personal life events from birth – circumstances around birth and why they got their names etc Diagrammatically present sexual life story - time line Share story

9 Making the journey of life – time line

10 Sensitization sessions – Binaries and boxes
Sex Gender Sexual orientation Sexual practices

11 Reactions to the sessions and new information
Have you given these sessions to our leaders? Why are we not taught these things in training? This is truly an eye opener I repent I will change my attitude towards these people It will take time but I will try to change I did not know that these people are genuinely born that way

12 Lessons Learned With appropriate skills and approaches, It is possible to conduct sensitization sessions and discuss sensitive topics with different audiences It is possible to train service providers in human sexuality even in hostile environments

13 Lessons Learned Advocacy for sexual rights of sexual minority groups like LGBTI communities cannot be a stand-alone agenda - success can be achieved if strategies are in acceptable entry points HIV programming Gender Based Violence discussion There may be need to identify and nurture champions to cascade trainings Create safety nets for protection of champions

14 Conclusion LGBTI people exist in Zimbabwe as they do in every culture and society although their existence has been overlooked and denied by authorities. There are a lot of misconceptions that homosexuality is a behaviour introduced to Africa by foreigners It is difficult for LGBTI to seek for health care fear of prosecution, persecution most cultures do not seem to sanction same sex relationships nor accept anyone different - not fit into the binaries and boxes Changing the attitudes of service providers is possible

15 Acknowledgements GALZ Aids Fonds Global Fund

16 Thank you!

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