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Vehicle Safety Quiz For Non-manufacturing Employees.

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1 Vehicle Safety Quiz For Non-manufacturing Employees

2 True or False… Accidents involving pedestrians usually happen during busy work days. False. Many pedestrian accidents happen on weekends and most happen at night. So wear bright clothes even on your night out.

3 True or False… Accidents involving pedestrians happen in big cities and smaller towns – they can happen anywhere. True. Just Google “pedestrian killed” and the name of your town and it’s likely you will see a news report of a pedestrian accident nearby.

4 True or False… Parking lots are relatively safe from pedestrian accidents because vehicles move slowly. False. More than half of all “back-over” injuries happen in parking lots because they are often crowded and it’s often unclear who should go where.

5 True or False… Children and senior citizens are particularly vulnerable when it comes to pedestrian accidents. True. Children and seniors account for a disproportionate number of pedestrian fatalities and injuries.

6 Vehicle Safety Quiz For Manufacturing Employees

7 True or False… Because vehicles often have the right of way in a plant, “I didn’t see the person” is a reasonable excuse after hitting a pedestrian. False. While vehicles sometimes have the right of way in a manufacturing operation, there is no excuse for hitting somebody. Always be watchful and keep safety first.

8 True or False… Pedestrian-vehicle accidents often occur during the change of shifts or during breaks. True. Pedestrians and drivers alike can get distracted when it’s time for a break or shift change. Use extra precaution at those times.

9 True or False… If I just follow the Commitment to Zero rule as a pedestrian, I’m going to be safe and sound. False. The Commitment to Zero rule is a great start, but there are other precautions you must take. Those include standing clear of vehicles that could move, wearing the proper foot wear, listening for hazards as well as watching for them.

10 True or False… Accidents on public streets involving pedestrians usually happen during busy work days. False. Many pedestrian accidents happen on weekends and most happen at night. So wear bright clothes even on your night out.

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