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Scientific Computing Lab

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Computing Lab"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Computing Lab
Institut für Informatik Scientific Computing in Computer Science Scientific Computing Lab Partial Differential Equations Stationary Equations Dr. Miriam Mehl

2 Worksheet 2 – Solution a) Plot the function p(t) in a graph

3 Worksheet 2 – Solution b) Compute and plot approximate solutions with the help of explicit Euler and the method of Heun.

4 Worksheet 2 – Solution b) Compute and plot approximate solutions with the help of explicit Euler and the method of Heun.

5 Worksheet 2 – Solution d) Compute and plot approx. solutions with the help of implicit Euler and the Adams Moulton method.

6 Worksheet 2 – Solution d) Compute and plot approx. solutions with the help of implicit Euler and the Adams Moulton method.

7 Worksheet 2 – Solution d) Compute the approximation error for each case in b) and d).

8 Worksheet 2 – Solution d) Compute the approximation error for each case in b) and d).

9 Stationary Partial Differential Equations
independent variables: space coordinates boundary value problems no start and end

10 Discretization functions operators finite difference/volume/element
large system of linear equations typically sparse finite difference/volume/element

11 Iterative Solution of Systems of Linear Equations
point-by-point processing eliminate local error iterate Gauss-Seidel solver

12 More Information
3.3 Discretizing partial Differential Equations 3.5 Iterative Solution of Large Sparse Linear Systems

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