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ISA 201 Intermediate Information Systems Acquisition

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1 ISA 201 Intermediate Information Systems Acquisition

2 Lesson 20 Practicum 4

3 Today you will learn to:
Describe the laws, policies and standards that apply to Cloud Computing. Identify relevant considerations that influence the acquisition lifecycle of a software-reliant system. Given a scenario, identify program IT decision information requirements. Apply the measurement results to support IT program decisions. Given a Department of Defense (DoD) Information Technology (IT) acquisition scenario, apply the principles of Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) to evaluate a vendor’s potential to deliver quality software products within cost and schedule parameters. Practicum 4 Introduction

4 Systems Acquisition Activities Review
Lesson Plan Systems Acquisition Activities Review JTAMS Update Marching Orders Practicum 4 Introduction March 2014

5 Production and Deployment
ENTER: Acceptable performance in Developmental Testing (DT) & Operational assessment (OA); mature software; no significant manufacturing risks; approved Capabilities Production Document (CPD); acceptable interoperability and operational supportability; demonstration of affordability; fully funded ACTIVITIES: Low Rate Initial Production, Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E), and interoperability testing of production-representative articles; Full-Rate Production (FRP) Decision; fielding and support of fielded systems; Initial Operational Capability (IOC)/ Full Operational Capability (FOC) EXIT: Full operational capability; deployment complete PURPOSE: to produce and deliver requirements-compliant products to receiving military organizations Practicum 4 Introduction

6 Operations and Support
ENTER: Approved CPD; approved Life Cycle sustainment Plan (LCSP); successful FRP Decision ACTIVITIES: LCSP implementation; Performance-Based Life-Cycle Product Support (PBL) planning, development, implementation, and management; initiate system modifications as necessary; continuing reviews of sustainment strategies, Demilitarize and dispose of systems IAW legal and regulatory requirements, particularly environmental considerations and explosives safety PURPOSE: Execute a support program that meets materiel readiness and operational support performance requirements, and sustains the system in the most cost-effective manner over its total life cycle. Practicum 4 Introduction

7 JTAMS Update Lesson Plan Status Systems Acquisition Activities Review
Marching Orders Practicum 4 Introduction March 2014

8 JRATS and JTAMS Update JTAMS and JRATS passed their CDRs! The MDA indicated some continuing concern with the interface definitions that remain to be addressed. These will continue to be a focus for the JTAMS PM. Our Focus will be on Post-CDR, MS C and on planning for how we will transition JTAMS (1 and 2) to the field and support it! This Practicum allows more freedom to develop solutions on your own. Team brainstorming is a good thing! Practicum 4 Introduction 8

9 Practicum 4 Timeline Practicum 4 Introduction 9 9

10 Marching Orders Lesson Plan Status
Systems Acquisition Activities Review JTAMS Update Marching Orders Practicum 4 Introduction March 2014

11 Practicum 4 Overview During this Practicum, each team will be required to perform Level II Information Technology/Software Acquisition Management tasks that would typically be conducted in a government program office. Section 1: Post-CDR Agile Measures Section Section 2: Post-CDR JTAMS Measures Section Section 3: SW Management Section Section 4: Lean SW Development Section Section 5: Cloud BCA Section Practicum 4 Introduction

12 Practicum#4 Instructions
Practicum 4 consists of five sections designed to address real world post-CDR situations. Each team will develop the practicum solution slide package using the templated slides provided, the given scenario, and the artifacts provided in the Job Aids folder. All slides will be submitted to the instructors electronically (Blackboard/Shared Drive) and hard copy (printed 2 slides per page and double sided) You will have 90 minutes to read, research and brainstorm your solutions. You should use the provided slide templates as the basis for your presentation and add to them as appropriate to refine your briefing, The instructors will designate which section each team will brief. Practicum 4 Introduction 12

13 Marching Orders Go to your Student CD and open the folder for this Practicum. Start by reviewing the student template slides and the artifacts/scenarios/instructions in the Job Aids folder. Time Event Misc 3:30 – 4:30 (Day 9) Practicum intro and research Instructor and teams Research and prepare analysis Student teams 1000 Submit entire analysis Submit electronically on BB or shared drive AND hard copy Student Presentations Instructors will designate which section(s) each team will brief Instructor Wrap up Instructor The instructors will designate which section each team will brief before/during the practicum briefing period. Practicum 3 March 2014 13

14 Team / Section Assignments (P4)
Practicum Sections Section 1: Post-CDR Agile Measures Section Section 2: Post-CDR JTAMS Measures Section Section 3: SW Management Section Section 4: Lean SW Development Section Section 5: Cloud BCA Section Team Section 1 1, 3, 5 2 1, 4, 5 3 2, 3, 5 4 2, 4, 5 5 Specific team/section briefing assignments will be announced by the instructors during the research period – remember all sections will be graded for all teams Practicum 4 Introduction

15 Today you learned to: Describe the laws, policies and standards that apply to Cloud Computing. Identify relevant considerations that influence the acquisition lifecycle of a software-reliant system. Given a scenario, identify program IT decision information requirements. Apply the measurement results to support IT program decisions. Given a Department of Defense (DoD) Information Technology (IT) acquisition scenario, apply the principles of Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) to evaluate a vendor’s potential to deliver quality software products within cost and schedule parameters. Practicum 4 Introduction

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