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Ops Manager API, Puppet and OpenStack – Fully automated orchestration from scratch! MongoDB World 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Ops Manager API, Puppet and OpenStack – Fully automated orchestration from scratch! MongoDB World 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ops Manager API, Puppet and OpenStack – Fully automated orchestration from scratch!
MongoDB World 2016

2 Nice to Meet You! Naama Bamberger Einav Rivni (
Nice to Meet You! Naama Bamberger

3 Serving 12M households & 50M devices
and 14 Deployments Serving 12M households & 50M devices 2 shards, 2 data-centers * ~14 live deployments. All of them are in customer site (on-prem) * Biggest deployment has 2 shards, handling 12M households and 50M devices and entitlements, across 2 data centers * Started with user management system for two ways TV system, storing household information, devices, entitlements and preferences. Storing user’s booking and recordings * Now many application ported to mongo db to store catalog, SWDL management, offer management and many more.

4 Our Goal –

5 Our Goal – Create a fully automated process for MongoDB deployment on a production OpenStack environment


7 Don’t we have MongoDB automation already?

8 Called OpsManager?

9 Well, sort of

10 We can deploy a cluster automatically once:
OpsManager is installed and configured VMs (or physical machines) exist for cluster Agents installed on all nodes Agents are registered to OpsManager

11 And we’ll try to automate all the ‘once’ steps

12 Desired deployment model
Ops-Manager Ops-Manager Backup DB - Backup MongoD Mongo Config MongoS

13 Environment, tools and technologies


15 Virtualization “Virtualization refers to technologies designed to provide a layer of abstraction between computer hardware systems and the software running on them” (John K. Waters)

16 Openstack Set of software tools for IaaS
Began in 2010 by NASA and Rackspace Opensource Project Current Version: Mitaka

17 Main Services

18 Compute: Nova Nova

19 Networking: Neutron Neutron

20 Storage: Cinder Cinder

21 Dashboard: Horizon Horizon

22 And many more

23 HEAT overview

24 HEAT – Openstack’s orchestration engine

25 OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup OS::Heat::ResourceGroup OS::Nova::Server
HEAT Resources OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup OS::Heat::ResourceGroup OS::Nova::Server OS::Cinder::Volume

26 OS::Neutron:: SecurityGroup for ops-manager

27 OS::Neutron:: SecurityGroup for agents

28 OS::Heat:: ResourceGroup

29 OS::Nova::Server

30 OS::Cinder::Volume

31 Mongo orchestration – installation steps
Ops-Manager MongoD Mongo Config MongoS Ops-Manager Backup Deployer MongoD Mongo Config MongoS DB - Backup MongoD Mongo Config

32 Step 1: Create Ops-manager servers

33 Ops manager – deployment model
DB - Backup Ops-Manager Backup Ops-Manager 27017 27017 27017 27018 27018 27018

34 Step 2: Install Ops-manager software
Ops-Manager Backup DB - Backup

35 Step 3: Create User Ops-Manager Ops-Manager Backup DB - Backup

36 Step 4: Save Keys Ops-Manager Ops-Manager Backup DB - Backup

37 Step 5: Create hosts for mongod/mongos/config instances
Ops-Manager Ops-Manager Backup DB - Backup

38 Agents deployment model
cinder cinder cinder agent

39 Step 6: Mount Volumes for instances reserved for mongod
Ops-Manager agent agent agent Ops-Manager Backup agent agent agent DB - Backup agent agent

40 Step 7: Get keys Ops-Manager agent agent agent Ops-Manager Backup
DB - Backup agent agent

41 Step 8: Install agent and configure to point to ops-manager
Ops-Manager Backup agent agent agent DB - Backup agent agent

42 Step 9: Create deployer server
Agents Ops-Manager agent agent agent Ops-Manager Backup agent agent agent DB - Backup agent agent

43 Step 10: Deployer executes REST requests on ops-manager, to create cluster
MongoD Mongo Config MongoS Ops-Manager Backup Deployer MongoD Mongo Config MongoS DB - Backup MongoD Mongo Config

44 That’s all nice, but life is a bit more complicated

45 Saving API keys and Group info
Problem: No way to retrieve key once created, though we need it to configure all agents

46 Saving API keys and Group info
Solution: Save info as Json file, on ops-manager static file location (delete once installation is complete!) agentApiKey: "2af e509520b2d3458b5cc"

47 Isolated Mode Problem:
No access to the outside world from the openstack environment By default, ops-manager downloads all mongodb software from the mongodb site

48 Isolated mode Solution:
- Configure Ops-Manager to work in an isolated-mode. - Create a version Manifest identifying the allowed versions. - Download and save the required tar files on the ops-Manager machine

49 Allowing Mongo versions
Store version manifest json file in Ops-Manager.

50 First User Creation

51 Demo

52 MongoDB Clusters Across Data Centers

53 Luckily, OpsManager can help us with that
Steps: On primary site: Deploy fully working cluster as shown above Then, on secondary: Deploy agents Create deployer From deployer – access OpsManager on primary site to extend cluster

54 Desired Model DC2 DC1 Ops-Manager Ops-Manager Backup DB - Backup
MongoD Mongo Config MongoS MongoD Mongo Config MongoS Ops-Manager Backup MongoD Mongo Config MongoS MongoD Mongo Config MongoS DB - Backup MongoD Mongo Config

55 In case of a real disaster
DC1 DC2 Ops-Manager MongoD Mongo Config MongoS MongoD Mongo Config MongoS Ops-Manager Backup MongoD Mongo Config MongoS MongoD Mongo Config MongoS DB - Backup MongoD Mongo Config

56 Arbitar addition DC2 DC1 DC3 Ops-Manager Ops-Manager Backup
MongoD Mongo Config MongoS MongoD Mongo Config MongoS Ops-Manager Backup MongoD Mongo Config MongoS MongoD Mongo Config MongoS DB - Backup MongoD Mongo Config DC3 Arbitar

57 OpsManager is a great tool
Takeaways OpsManager is a great tool Orchestration is more than calling ‘create cluster’ With some effort, we can automate it all


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