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13 The Digestive System and Nutrition

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Presentation on theme: "13 The Digestive System and Nutrition"— Presentation transcript:

1 13 The Digestive System and Nutrition
Lesson 13.1: Nutrition Lesson 13.2: Anatomy and Physiology of the Digestive System Lesson 13.3: Disorders and Diseases of the Digestive System

2 Chapter 13: The Digestive System and Nutrition
Lesson 13.1 Nutrition

3 Nutrition energy macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals

4 Energy measuring the body’s energy use basal metabolic rate calories
kilocalories basal metabolic rate energy required for one day at rest varies by individual

5 Macronutrients, Vitamins, and Minerals
substances needed for energy growth maintenance Tischenko Irina/

6 Nutrients carbohydrates proteins fats (lipids) vitamins minerals

7 Carbohydrates sugars starches 1 gram supplies 4 Calories
one half of daily caloric intake should be from carbohydrates

8 Proteins made of amino acids essential amino acids
must be part of diet nonessential amino acids body can make one gram supplies 4 Calories one quarter of daily caloric intake from proteins Joshua Resnick/

9 Fats lipids saturated fats monounsaturated fats polyunsaturated fats
trans-unsaturated fats (trans fats) - task: Go to google images and look up the line drawings for saturated, unsaturated, and trans fats. Draw one of each in your notes. Hint:

10 Fats one gram supplies 9 Calories
minimize trans and saturated fat intake less than 25–35% of total calories from fat

11 Vitamins chemicals needed for proper metabolism types of vitamins
fat-soluble may be stored in the body water-soluble (more likely to cause vitamin deficiency) are not stored in the body vitamin deficiency- lack of vitamins due to poor diet or genetic inability to store

12 Minerals elements needed for proper body function examples calcium
potassium iron phosphorus

13 Water-Soluble Vitamins

14 Fat-Soluble Vitamins

15 Minerals

16 Review and Assessment Match these words with 1–4 below: carbohydrate, fat, vitamin, iron. 1. 9 calories per gram 2. water soluble 3. sugar 4. mineral

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