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Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Police Budget Vote 22 Secretariat for Safety and Security 23 June 2009 S safety & security Department:

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Police Budget Vote 22 Secretariat for Safety and Security 23 June 2009 S safety & security Department:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Police Budget Vote 22 Secretariat for Safety and Security 23 June 2009 S safety & security Department: Safety and Security REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA

2 Index Establishment of Secretariat for Safety and Security (Secretariat): The Constitution and the South African Police Service Act Functions of the Secretariat Mission and Vision Strategic objectives of the Secretariat Strategic objectives accomplished (as at 31March 2009) Summary: Actual Allocation and Expenditure FY 2008/09 Planning process and Information for the Secretariat and the Budget for FY 2009/10 Strategic Programmes of the Secretariat FY FY 2009/10 Budget for Projects for the FY 2009/10 Personnel Budget FY 2009/10 Comparative year-on-year increases Required budget for 2009/2010

3 Section 208 of the Constitution provides:
A. Establishment: The Constitution and the South African Police Service Act Section 208 of the Constitution provides: “A Civilian Secretariat for the police must be established by National legislation to function under the direction of the Cabinet Member responsible for policing.” SAPS Act provides for: The establishment of the Secretariat by the Minister for Safety and Security - Section 2 (1) (a) The establishment of Provincial Secretariats by the Provincial Executive - Section 2 (1) (b)

4 B. Functions of the Secretariat for Safety and Security
The functions of the Secretariat in terms of to Section 3 (1) of the SAPS Act, 1995 are to: advise the Minister in the exercise of his or her powers and the performance of his or her duties and functions; perform such functions as the Minister may consider necessary or expedient to ensure civilian oversight of the Service; promote democratic accountability and transparency in the Service; promote and facilitate participation by the Service in the Reconstruction and Development Programme; provide the Minister with legal services and advice on constitutional Matters; provide the Minister with communication, support and administrative services; monitor the implementation of policy and directions issued by the Minister and report to the Minister thereon; conduct research into any policing matter in accordance with the instructions of the Minister and report to the Minister thereon; perform such functions as may from time to time be assigned to the secretariat by the Minister; and evaluate the functioning of the Service and report to the Minister thereon.

5 To monitor, evaluate and report on the performance of the SAPS; and
C. Mission and Vision Mission To monitor, evaluate and report on the performance of the SAPS; and To provide strategic advice, administration and communication support to the Minister Vision “A properly advised Minister and the excellent service delivery by an accountable South African Police Service”

6 D. Strategic Objectives
The strategic objectives of the Secretariat are to: Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the policing policy by SAPS Encourage and enhance responsible community participation in crime prevention Provide strategic and operational research support to the Minister Provide policing policy advice to the Minister Provide legal advice and support to the Minister on legislation, civil litigation, constitutional, and other legal matters Provide the Minister with communication services

7 E. Objectives accomplished (as at 31 March 2009)
Strategic objective: To encourage and enhance responsible community participation in crime prevention This objective was achieved by undertaking the following projects: Social Mobilisation Held meetings and workshops with identified civil society formations and the Anti-Crime Leadership Forum and Anti-crime initiatives implemented Held a national workshop with Community Police Forums (CPFs), Business sectors and Faith-based Organizations on the SAPS Annual Crime Statistics Imbizos Participated in all imbizos and made follow-ups on complaints raised during the imbizos Strengthening CPFs Held workshops on the Redefined Community Policing Fora to discuss policy implementation strategies on the expanded role of CPFs Facilitated an international information exchange workshop with CPFs and station commissioners on Best Practices of CPFs Held 7 provincial Crime Statistics and Crime Information workshops with CPFs and station commissioners Engaged district municipalities in selected provinces on the provision of resources to CPFs

8 Continued…Objectives accomplished (31 March 2009)
Strategic objective: To monitor and evaluate the implementation of the policing policy by the South African Police Service (SAPS) Strategic objectives achieved: Evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the SAPS National Crime Combating Initiatives Evaluating the implementation of the Firearms Control Act by SAPS Evaluation of the implementation of the SAPS Rural Safety Plan Evaluation of the performance of priority police stations Assessment of the SAPS restructuring

9 Continued…Objectives accomplished (31 March 2009)
Strategic objective: To provide legal advice and support to the Minister on legislation, civil litigation, constitutional, and other legal matters The following strategic objectives were achieved: Developed the following Draft Bills: SAPS Amendment Bill PSIRA Amendment Bill Civil Litigation Provided legal advice on civil litigation matters to the Minister Ministerial ad hoc Legal Advisory Services Provided legal opinions on various legal matters to the Minister 2010 World Cup Attended meetings with the 2010 Safety & Security Stream on the preparations for security for the 2010 FIFA World Cup

10 Continued…Objectives accomplished (31 March 2009)
Strategic objective: To provide policing policy to the Minister Provided policy advice to the Minster on the following key areas: Reservists Policing Policy Sector Policing Policy Rural Safety Policing Policy Crime Statistics Release of SAPS Draft Policy Implementation Framework on Community Safety Forum (CSF) Management of Crime Information and Crime Statistics in South Africa Strategic objective: To provide strategic and operational research support to the Minister Conducted research on: The Study of the Violent Nature of Crime in South Africa Analysis of the National Crime Prevention Strategy (NCPS) of South Africa

11 Continued…Objectives accomplished (31 March 2009)
Strategic objective: To provide communication services Brand and Corporate Identity Promotion of public awareness and access to Secretariat Services

12 F. Summary: Actual Allocation and Expenditure FY2008/9

13 G. Planning Process and Information for the Secretariat for Safety and Security and the Budget for FY2009/10

14 The Planning Process Drivers Strategy Planning Operations MISSION
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES INIATIVES Secretariat Business Plan Organisation Scorecard PROGRAMMES PROJECTS MAP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RESOURCE PLAN 8 Strategic Imperatives Drivers Strategy Planning Operations SAPS PRIORITIES Info

15 Programmes of the Secretariat for Safety and Security
As a statutory body, the two-fold purpose of the Secretariat is: to monitor, evaluate and report on the implementation of policing policies and Ministerial directives by the SAPS; and to provide strategic advice to the Minister on a range of safety and security issues The programmes designed to deliver on this purpose are: Administration Office of the Secretary Support Services Monitoring and Evaluation Legal Services Policy and Research; and Communication

16 State of the Nation Address (06/2009)
Intensify the fight against crime and corruption through building cohesive, caring and sustainable communities Improve efficiency of the CJS through increasing police resources (enhancing detective, intelligence and forensic services) Combating organized crimes as well as crimes against women and children Encourage communities to actively participate in CPFs programmes Sensitize community not to buy stolen goods, report crime and assist police with information

17 Budget Speech of the Minister of Finance (2/2009)
Overhaul the forensic and investigative capacity of the police, together with enhanced use of technology Improve detective capacity Upgrading IT and telecommunications systems Increase the number of police officials from to over by 2011/12 Provide funding for additional policing capacity during the 2010 FIFA World Cup

18 JCPS Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) Priorities (2009)
MTSF Priority No. 40.1: Intensifying the fight against crime and corruption MTSF Priority No. 40.6: Mobilize communities in the fight against crime by introducing changes to the CPF regime to embrace a broader notion of Community Safety (CF), expand their role in all matters dealing with the CJS and by providing financial assistance and administrative infrastructure to render them effective MTSF Priority No. 40.9: Acceleration of efforts to reduce serious and violent crimes by the set target of 7% to 10% per annum and to generally improve public confidence in the Criminal Justice System (CJS) MTSF Priority No : Strengthening the legal and policy prescripts and frameworks aimed at combating corruption and ensuring implementation thereof by law enforcement agencies


20 Key Initiatives and Deliverables
Programme: Administration – Office of the Secretary Strategic Priority: To provide strategic support to the Secretariat Sub-Program Service Delivery Indicator Output Target Organisational and System development % completion of organisational processes and systems developed Annual Strategic and Business plans developed and approved by the Minister 90% operational systems developed and implemented Strategic Priority: To encourage and enhance responsible community participation in crime prevention Ministerial Imbizos % of Imbizos planned Interactive Ministerial Imbizos held 5 Imbizos held by March 2010 Social Mobilisation % of engaged identified social formations Reports on engagements of identified social formations 90% of identified social formations engaged % of identified social mobilisation and anti-crime initiatives implemented Anti-crime initiatives implemented 90% initiatives implemented Strengthening Community Police Forums Developed and approved learnership for CPFs CPF learnership developed Pilot developed learnership within 3 provinces by March 2010 % of Municipalities engaged on the location of CPFs to municipalities and resources allocated Local municipalities engaged and resources provided to CPFs 10% of local municipalities engaged and CPFs resourced

21 Programme: Administration – Support Services
Strengthening Community Police Forums_cont’d 9 provincial workshops held with CPFs, station commissioners and provincial departments of safety to document CPF Best Practice Provide a document on specific Best Practice approaches of CPFs Hold 9 provincial workshops to share and document Best Practice approaches of CPFs Programme: Administration – Support Services Strategic Priority: To provide for and manage the human capital and financial resources of the Secretariat Sub-programme Service Delivery Indicator Output Target Administrative Support % provision of administration support requirements Provision of needs based administrative services 95% provisioning of administration support within set timelines Personnel Training % training provided according to training plan Provisioning of needs based training according to the 90% personnel trained by end February 2010

22 Service Delivery Indicator
Programme: MONITORING AND EVALUATION Strategic Priority: To Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the policing policy by SAPS Sub-Program Service Delivery Indicator Output Target Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Number of policing policies and legislation monitored and evaluated 4 Monitoring and Evaluation reports with recommendations on SAPS policy implementation 1 critical policy evaluated by the end of November 2009 2 legislations evaluated by the end of November 2009 2 reports on service delivery by SAPS submitted by end of March 2010

23 Service Delivery Indicator
Programme: LEGAL SERVICES Strategic Priority: To provide legal advice and support to the Minister on legislation, civil litigation, constitutional and other legal matters Sub-Program Service Delivery Indicator Output Target Legislation Draft SAPS Amendment Bill approved by the Minister and submitted to Cabinet Draft SAPS Bill approved by the Minister One approved Draft Bill submitted to Cabinet Draft PSIRA Amendment Bill approved by the Minister and submitted to Cabinet Draft PSIRA Bill approved by the Minister Civil Litigation % of legal opinion on civil litigation submitted to the Minister Well-researched legal opinion formulated as required and one workshop held 2 Reports submitted to Minister 100% legal opinions submitted to the Minister and one workshop 2 Reports Legal Advisory Services % of legal opinion on constitutional and other legal matters submitted to the Minister Well-researched legal opinion formulated 100% legal opinions submitted to the Minister

24 Service Delivery Indicator
Programme: POLICY AND RESEARCH Strategic Priority: To provide policing policy advice to the Minister Sub-Program Service Delivery Indicator Output Target Policy Development and Advice % of policing policy advice submitted to the Minister Proper policing policy advice prepared and submitted 4 policing policies reviewed and advice submitted Strategic Priority: To provide strategic and operational research support to the Secretariat and the Minister Strategic and Operations Research Research conducted on identified priority areas Well-researched reports developed with actionable recommendations on policing and related matters 4 Research reports on identified policing priority areas submitted by end of January 2010

25 Service Delivery Indicator Brand and Corporate Identity Management
Programme: COMMUNICATION Strategic Priority: To provide communication services Sub-Program Service Delivery Indicator Output Target Brand and Corporate Identity Management Develop Marketing Strategy and Marketing Plan Marketing plan developed and implemented Marketing plan implemented by end of June 2009 Community Liaison Frequency of structured engagements with identified key civil society stakeholders Stakeholder Value Management Plan developed Monthly/quarterly formal engagement with key civil society stakeholders Production and Publication % of publication material produced and disseminated Publication material produced and disseminated 100% publication material produced and disseminated


27 Programme: Administration – Office of the Secretary
Strategic Objective: To encourage and enhance responsible community participation in crime prevention Key Performance Area: Community Participation Project No. Project Name Project Description High-level Activities Operational Budget 1. Ministerial Imbizos Prepare, participate, attend to (make referrals) and advise on complaints raised at Minister’s Imbizos Traveling to at least 5 identified Imbizo destinations R 2. Social Mobilization Project intended to continuously mobilize communities in partnership with various formations such as NGOs, CBOs, BAC, towards crime prevention and enhance social cohesion Engage identified social structures to enable police and public discussions on problem solving with focus on youth and women formations Facilitate and participate in community-government anti-crime campaigns

28 Programme: Administration – Office of the Secretary
Strategic Objective: To encourage and enhance responsible community participation in crime prevention Key Performance Area: Community Participation Project No. Project Name Project Description High-level Activities Operational Budget 3. Strengthening CPFs Project intended to mobilize resource for the effective functioning of CPFs at local level Identify a learnership where CPF will be located Engage SAPS Training division Engage Standard Generating Body of Visible Policing, Secretariat and SASSETA Engage stakeholders on the development of learnership for CPFs Identify relevant Unit Standards for CPF learnership/programme Develop a certificate or diploma for CPFs learnership (Depending on the number of credits identified from the Unit Standard ) Pilot learnership in some provinces Exchange international study visits for CPFs Formalize donor collaboration to maximize expertise and provision of resources R 4. Sub-project: Document CPF Best Practice approaches Project intended to engage CPFs and station commissioners to identify, describe, document and disseminate management strategies used by successful CPFs and local based police in the fight against crime. Engage SAPS on existing CPF Best Practices Undertake an international comparative study Convene and facilitate 9 provincial workshops on documenting Best Practices of CPFs 5. Relocation of CPFs within Municipalities Project intended to engage municipalities on the relocation of CPFs at local level as well as providing basic necessities to the Local CPFs Identify and engage municipalities on the relocation of CPFs and identify basic necessities for CPFs

29 Programme: Office of the Secretary
Strategic Objective: To ensure operational excellence in the Secretariat Key Performance Area: Systems and Operations Management Project No. Project Name Project Description High-level Activities Operational Budget 6. Service delivery assessment: Complaints management A project intended to address and manage all service delivery complaints received and provide interventions for service delivery improvement by SAPS Identify and analyze trends on complaints Engage police and complainants on areas requiring improvement Assess the implementation of recommendations on gaps identified to inform policy development R 7. Organizational and Systems Development Review, maintain and ensure adherence to internal processes and systems for excellence and efficient turnaround times in accordance with good service standards Business operations review Strategic and Annual Operations Planning implemented Develop and submit Annual Report on achieved objectives R 8. Facilitate Heads of Secretariats Forum (Within the IGR Framework) Plan and ensure a continuous high-level engagement between the National Secretariat and provincial counterparts Hold monthly Secretariat Forum meetings Conducting quarterly workshops R

30 Programme: Administration - Support Services
Strategic Objective: To provide for and manage the human capital and financial resources of the Secretariat Key Performance Area: Administrative Support Project No. Project Name Project Description High-level Activities Operational Budget 9. Project Equip Provision of administrative, financial, and information management services necessary for comprehensive realization of service delivery by the Secretariat Procurement and maintenance of goods and services R 10. Training and Development This relates to the implementation of the training plan according to identified skills gaps and in adherence to national policies on skills development Identify courses and provide professional training for targeted staff R

31 Programme: Monitoring and Evaluation
Strategic Objective: To monitor and evaluate the implementation of the policing policy by SAPS Key Performance Area: Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Project No. Project Name Project Description High-level Activities Operational Budget 11. Firearms Control Act Project intended to evaluate the implementation of the Firearms Control Act by SAPS with regard to the following: Recovery of lost or stolen firearms Recovery of firearms where licenses issued have expired; and Detection and prevention of the proliferation of illegal firearms Evaluations of central firearms register. Evaluation of SAPS programs that deals with illegal, lost or stolen firearms Determining the effectiveness of the firearms control program R 12. Implementation of the Domestic Violence Act by SAPS and ICD (Ministerial Powers). Project intended to: Monitor the implementation of the Domestic Violence Act by the SAPS in terms of: Duty of SAPS members to inform complainant of rights Issuing of protection order Seizure of arms and dangerous weapons Monitor the implementation of section 18(4) of the Domestic Violence Act by the ICD (Ministerial Powers) Literature review. Stakeholder interaction Data collection R

32 Programme: Monitoring and Evaluation
Strategic Objective: To monitor and evaluate the implementation of the policing policy by SAPS Key Performance Area: Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Project No. Project Name Project Description High-level Activities Operational Budget 13. Evaluation of the SAPS Resource Allocation Guide (RAG) Project intended to evaluate the impact of the Resource Allocation Guide (RAG) on police station performance and crime reduction Identification and analysis of policy/concept documents regulating the RAG To determine the extent of implementation of the RAG Determine the impact of RAG on crime reduction R 14. SAPS restructuring Project intended to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the SAPS restructuring process and evaluate its impact on crime Reduction Conducting a process evaluation study on SAPS restructuring. Monitoring the implementation of SAPS restructuring. Evaluate the impact of SAPS restructuring on crime reduction since its inception R

33 Programme: Legal Services
Strategic Objective: To provide legislation and policy review support to the Minister Key Performance Area: Legislation Project No Project Name Project Description High-level Activities Operational Budget 15. Amendment of the SAPS Act Project entails the drafting of the Bill that amends the SAPS Act to align it with the 1996 Constitution and to incorporate amendments that emanate from the changing safety and security environment Finalise drafting of the amendment Bill Submit amendment Bill to Cabinet R 16. PSIRA Act The project entails the finalization of drafting of a Bill that amends the PSIRA Act Finalize drafting of the amendment Bill R Strategic Objective: To provide advice to the Minister on civil litigation matters Key Performance Area: Civil Litigation 17. Oversight over management of civil litigation involving the Department Providing civil litigation advisory support to the Minister and to conduct oversight over the management of litigation by SAPS Ensure that strategic direction is given to role-players on litigation matters Develop clear litigation policy with role-players Analyze Court Judgments on civil litigation matters against the Minister and advise the Minister thereof Hold workshops with critical stakeholders Identify and advise the Minister on systemic causes resulting in litigation R

34 Draft legal opinion Programme: Legal Services
Strategic Objective: To provide legal services and advice to the Minister and Secretariat on an ad hoc basis Key Performance Area: Ministerial ad hoc legal Advisory Services Project No Project Name Project Description High-level Activities Operational Budget 18. Ad hoc legal advice to the Minister Project intended to continuously Advise the Minister (includes representations and appeals to the Minister) Conduct legal research Advise on compliance with constitutional imperatives Draft legal opinion None 19. Advice on Cabinet Memoranda To consider Cabinet Memoranda and provide support and advise to the Minister Conduct analysis of Cabinet memos Prepare summaries and inputs for the Minister Ensure implementation of Cabinet directives 20. International and co-operation agreements Conclude agreements in accordance with procedures Engage with role-players on areas of co-operation required Draft provisions as required Ensure compliance with all procedures and protocols Provide advise and support to Minister

35 Programme: Policy And Research
Strategic Objective: To provide policy advice to the Minister Key Performance Area: Policy Development and Advice Project No Project Name Project Description High-level Activities Operational Budget 21. Finalization and implementation of Community Safety Forum Policy To finalize the CSF policy, conduct an audit to assess the readiness of its implementation and implement the provisions of the policy Conduct an audit on the readiness for implementation of the CSF policy by all role players Conduct provincial workshops to implement policy provisions R 22. A Review of the Reservist Policing Policy To conduct a review of the Reservists Policing Policy To establish the Following: Categories of reservists Curriculum for reservists Requirements for reservists Benefits for reservists R

36 Programme: Policy And Research
Strategic Objective: To provide policy advice to the Minister Key Performance Area: Policy Development and Advice Project No Project Name Project Description High-level Activities Operational Budget 23. An investigation on the implementation of the Civil Litigation Policy To develop and implement a Police Civil Liability Policy to reduce civil litigation costs against the Department and to ensure professionalism and accountability by the Police when dealing with communities Analyse statistics for the past two years on litigation matters Assess the financial impact of police misconduct on government budget Recommend development of Civil Liability policy Determine the role of Legal Services and other structures at the SAPS R 24. Quarterly Analysis of Media Reports on crime and Department To conduct an in-depth analysis of crime issues in selected media and assess their impact on public percents on crime and on the In-depth analysis of crime issues in selected media and assess their impact on public percents on crime and on the Department Develop stakeholder value management strategy Develop issue management strategy Risk and Perception Management Develop and implement plan of Action R

37 Key Performance Area: Strategic and Operations Research Project Number
Strategic Objective: To provide strategic and operational research support to the Secretariat and the Minister Key Performance Area: Strategic and Operations Research Project Number Project Name Project Description High-level Activities Operational Budget 25. Analysis of the Police Protection Strategy To analyze the Police Protection Strategy to establish the status of implementation and its impact on the police Analyze the Police Protection Strategy to establish the status of implementation and its impact on the police R 26. Analysis of a proactive and Reactive Professional client oriented policing at local Police Station Level To analyze proactive and reactive professional client oriented policing at local Police Station Level Identification of good and bad performing police stations Evaluate gaps Develop best practice and Standard Operational Procedure for Police Stations 27. Strategic Policy and Research Partnerships To identify and forge ties with relevant institutions within and outside government as a strategic means of augmenting staff capacity and keep the organization abreast on current debates and positions around specific topics and to continuously update its policy and regulatory framework Hold quarterly information sharing workshops with identified research and policy development institutions and civil organisations Joint review of the research and policy agenda pertaining to issues of safety and security Subscription to databases and services R

38 Strategic Objective: To provide strategic and operational research support to the Secretariat and the Minister Key Performance Area: Strategic and Operations Research Project Number Project Name Project Description High-level Activities Operational Budget 28. Research on Integrity Management in the Department Do an oversight on Professional conduct by entire Department in terms of legislation, policies, national instructions, regulations, code of conduct and procedures Conduct research to determine the need for integrity management in the Department Determine objectives for integrity management None 29. Review of the National Crime Prevention Strategy To look at areas for review of the National Crime Prevention To conduct an audit of all role players To conduct workshop on roles and responsibilities To determine the lead Department or Agency To develop and implement a realistic implementation plan To develop a Reporting Structure

39 Programme: Communication
Strategic Objective: To enhance the image and profile of the Ministry Key Performance Area: Brand and Corporate Identity Management Project No Project Name Project Description High-level Activities Operational Budget 30. Brand and Corporate Identity Management Project to promote the image of the Ministry and the Department Develop products to showcase and disseminate Secretariats Products. Flyers Info Booklets Pull-up Banner Business Cards Dept Promo Files Departmental Promotional material Note Pads Promotional Stationary Promoting public awareness and access to the Department of Police services. Soccer Ex R

40 Strategic Objective: To enhance the image and profile of the Ministry
Key Performance Area: Production and Publication Project No Project Name Project Description High-level Activities Operational Budget 31. Production and Publication Project to promote public awareness and access to Secretariat Services, enhance the image of the organisation (and the Office of the Minister) through Web-Site, radio or tv talk shows, exhibitions etc. Promote the image of the Secretariat and the Department through radio and TV talk shows Publication of Sowetan projects Annual Report Business plan Relaunch and maintain Intranet and Website R

41 Strategic Objective: To enhance the image and profile of the Ministry
Key Performance Area: Production and Publication Project No Project Name Project Description High-level Activities Operational Budget 32. Promoting the image of the Ministry Project intended to review the current policies relating to the image and profile of the Ministry Identify policy gaps Draft relevant policy and submit for approval. Develop implementation plan and procedures None Total Projects Cost R


43 K. Comparative year-on-year increase
Program Allocation 20007/08 2008/09 % increase/decrease 2009/10 Administration 50% -67% Monitoring and Evaluation -5% -37 % Policy and Research -30% -1 % Legal Services -68% 277 % Communication 427% -4 % TOTAL 42% R -35 % This allocation includes budget for projects and allocation for overtime per Program

44 L. Required Budget for 2009/2010 Projects Personnel Overtime
Total budget R R R R

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