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Odyssey: book 21 The contest of the bow.

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1 Odyssey: book 21 The contest of the bow


3 Key characters ?

4 Key themes ?

5 The book in sections Read one of the sections below. In one word describe your section 1-50 50-100

6 1-50 Athene inspires Penelope to start the contest
Penelope fetches the bow from the treasure room The story of Iphitus and Hercules The story of Iphitus giving the bow to Odysseus How many lines does it take Penelope to get into the storeroom? Why does Homer make a digression for the story of Iphitus? What themes does the story of Iphitus raise? How is Odysseus characterised by the story of Iphitus?

7 50-100 Penelope opens the door to the storeroom, crosses the threshold and gets the bow Penelope and her maids carry the bow, arrows and armour to the hall Penelope tells the suitors that she will go with whoever can string the bow Eumaeus lays out the competition and weeps for his master Antinous mocks his emotion How is Penelope characterised by the way she addresses the suitors? To what is the opening of the door of the storeroom compared? What is held in the storeroom? How does Penelope deceive the suitors? How is emotion dealt with in The Odyssey?

8 Antinous hopes he will win but we find out that in fact he will be the first to die Telemachus encourages the suitors to start the competition T lays out the competition, tries to string the bow and nearly succeeds T pretends to be too weak Antinous encourages suitors and Leodes has a go but fails How many times does Telemachus try to string the bow? How is Telemachus characterised by his attempt to string the bow? How does Telemachus deceive the suitors? How is Leodes characterised?

9 Leodes concedes and predicts that all the suitors will be unable to bend the bow Antinous shouts at Leodes and orders Melanthius to make a fire The men heat and grease the bow to make it more supple but still cannot bend it The cowman and swineherd leave and Odysseus follows them to ask whose side they would fight on What is Leodes argument about what the suitors should do? How is Antinous characterised by his speech? Why do Antinous and Eurymachus hold back form the competition? How does Homer say Odysseus talks to the two men? How does what he says support this?

10 Odysseus declares Eumaeus and Philoetius loyal and reveals himself They, reunited, cry until Odysseus instructs them Eumaeus must bring Odysseus the bow when he asks for it and instruct the women to lock themselves in Philoetius must lock the courtyard door What do the names Eumaus and Philoetus mean? How do they respond when Odysseus tests their loyalty? What sign does Odysseus use to prove his identity? What does Odysseus promise the two men? Why does Odysseus give the men the instructions he does?

11 250-300 Eurymachus takes his turn with the bow and fails
Antinous suggests they leave the contest and try again the next day Odysseus asks for a chance to try the bow Antinous is outraged by this suggestion and accuses Odysseus of being drunk Why is Eurymachus annoyed about failing to string the bow? What does Antinous propose to do the next day that will help? How does Odysseus address Antinous and Eurymachus? Why does Antinous really not want to give Odysseus the bow? Can we say that Antinous ‘recognises’ Odysseus?

12 Penelope rebukes Antinous for his unkindness to Telemachus’ guest Eurymachus explains that the suitors fear disgrace if Odysseus is able to succeed Penelope points out that the suitors already disgrace themselves by their actions and promises a reward to Odysseus if he can succeed Telemachus points out that the bow is his and he decides to let Odysseus have a go How is Penelope characterised in this passage? What exactly is it that Eurymachus is concerned about? What does Penelope promise to her guest if he succeeds? How does Telemachus’ speech characterise him?

13 Telemachus tells his mother to go upstairs. Penelope is surprised but obeys Eumaeus carries the bow to Odysseus but is put off by the suitors and stops Telemachus orders Eumaeus to carry to the bow and threatens him. Although the suitors laugh at this, Eumaeus obeys Eumaeus orders Eurycleia to lock up the women while Phileotius locks the gate Odysseus examines the bow What does the interaction between Telemachus and Penelope show about the developing situation in Ithaca? What threat does a suitor make to Eumaeus? What threat does Telemachus make to Eumaeus and to the suitors? Does Eumaeus follow Odysseus instructions? Why does Odysseus examine the bow?

14 400-433 Odysseus finished examining the bow and strings it easily
The suitors are mortified and Zeus sends a thunderclap of approval Odysseus shoots an arrow through all the axes whilst still sitting down Odysseus speaks to Telemachus and tells him to ready the suitors’ supper Telemachus arms himself and stands by his father How is Odysseus described as he strings the bow? What does Zeus approve of? What foreshadowing do we see in this passage? Why is the way Odysseus shoots significant? How do we see Telemachus and Odysseus’ relationship at the end of this passage?

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