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Multiplying Fractions

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1 Multiplying Fractions
By, Mrs. Muller

2 Numerator Denominator
Key Vocabulary The numerator: The top number of the fraction (the part of the whole) The denominator: The bottom number of the fraction (the whole) Multiply: obtain from (a number) another that contains the first number a specified number of times. Numerator Denominator

3 Example of Multiplication
Means that there are two groups of 7 Another way to say it is adding the 7 together the amount of the groups: 7+7=14 So 3x7 would be 7+7+7=21, and 5x7= =35; memorizing is just quicker. Group 1 Group 2 The answer is 14

4 Let’s take this to fractions
2x = Let’s look at what this would look like with fraction strips: How many 1/3 tiles will you need? Group 2 Group 1 That would mean that it would be 1/3+1/3, which would equal 2/3. Meaning that 2x1/3=2/3

5 One more Example 4x = Let’s look at what this would look like with fraction strips: How many 1/5 tiles will you need? Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 That would mean that it would be 1/5+1/5+1/5+1/5, which would equal 4/5 Meaning that 4x1/5=4/5 What do you notice about multiplying fractions? What do you notice about the numerator and denominator?

6 The Procedure Multiply the numerators together
Multiply the denominators together Example: x

7 Let’s Practice

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