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GEF Project Integrated Natural Resources Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystems UNESCO Project Output 1.3 Groundwater resources assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "GEF Project Integrated Natural Resources Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystems UNESCO Project Output 1.3 Groundwater resources assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEF Project Integrated Natural Resources Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystems UNESCO Project Output 1.3 Groundwater resources assessment as a contribution to the TDA, including surface-groundwater interactions and groundwater dependent ecosystems. Activity 4a: Undertake groundwater assessment on the basin using available monitoring sites.

2 UNESCO Project Output 1.3 - Activity 4a Work Plan – Work Package 1
Jaroslav Vrba Scientific-technical Coordinator - UNESCO groundwater component of the GEF Lake Baikal Project

3 UNESCO project activities under the Work Package 1
Under Work Package 1 will be compiled Basic information associated with present status of geological, hydrogeological, hydrochemical and other relevant maps at different scales available in Russia and Mongolia. Reliable and accessible groundwater data from existing monitoring networks, databases of groundwater supply companies and other users of groundwater. Groundwater related reports focused on description of hydrogeological conditions of Baikal Lake Basin. Within the project activities field investigation, mapping, monitoring and additional groundwater sampling and laboratory analysis are not planned.

4 Topics proposed under the Work Package 1
Evaluation of existing groundwater related maps, monitoring networks, databases and reports related to the implemented investigation works. Evaluation of drinking water supplies, sanitation systems and municipal and rural waste water treatment facilities. Evaluation of groundwater pollution sources and existing liquid and solid industrial and mining waste treatment facilities. Groundwater protection policy (present status). Water legislation framework (present status). Identification of areas with significant groundwater resources (specifically in shallow aquifers) and preliminary evaluation (estimation) of their quantity and quality. Identification of transboundary groundwater pollution and depletion problems and potential conflicts. Identification, mapping and preliminary evaluation of groundwater resources in shallow aquifers in Quaternary (fluvial) deposits.

5 Evaluation of existing groundwater related maps, monitoring networks , databases and reports of implemented investigation works Groundwater related maps with Quaternary deposits at the watershed scale (1 : and smaller) and at the scale 1 : or larger available in areas of confluence of the rivers, transboundary areas , lake coastal areas, river deltas, and in areas along the rivers with extent and thick Quaternary (fluvial) deposits. National monitoring networks: extent (quantitative, qualitative), period of observations, techniques of monitoring, frequency of monitoring, parameters observed, availability of other climatic and hydrological networks. Transboundary groundwater monitoring activities in areas in those transboundary rivers (particularly Selenga) and related shallow aquifers cross border between Russia and Mongolia. Site-specific monitoring networks around point pollution sources (e.g. waste disposal sites), in protection zones of water supplies. Groundwater databases on national level (responsibilities, GIS). Hydrogeological, geophysical, remote sensing and other groundwater related investigations: summary of available reports/publications.

6 Evaluation of drinking water supplies, sanitation systems and municipal and rural waste water treatment facilities Public groundwater supply systems: location, permits for operation, purification facilities, protection zones (I and II degree), amount and quality of groundwater, parameters observed, monitoring data management and assessment and data accessibility for other users (free of charge). Domestic water supplies: evidence, groundwater quality observations (biological, chemical). Municipal and rural waste water management: location, treatment facilities and technology applied; indicators: Total amount of waste water - Amount of treated waste water, % of treated waste water. Municipal solid wastes management: location, evidence, management (disposal on controlled/uncontrolled landfiles, incineration, sorting and reuse, others);indicators: Total amount of produced wastes per capita/year, - Amount of treated wastes per capita / year, % of treated wastes.

7 Evaluation of groundwater pollution sources and existing industrial and mining waste treatment facilities Point pollution sources Industrial and mining waste water management: location, evidence, amount and chemical composition, treatment technology, penalties for uncontrolled waste water discharges, indicators: Total amount of waste water - Amount of treated waste water, % of treated waste water. Mining and industrial solid wastes management: location, evidence, management (specifically toxic wastes), Diffuse pollution sources Address agricultural threats to groundwater quality: nitrate and pesticide content in groundwater. Maps depicting areas with groundwater nitrate pollution risk. Pollution protection policy: groundwater quality monitoring, coordination of sustainable agricultural production and groundwater quality conservation.

8 Groundwater protection policy
Water Act – Articles related to the groundwater protection policy Legal based water supply protection zones / wellhead protection areas : degree - two levels protection, methods of delineation, permits and control of human activities, subsidiary policy. Land use planning in recharge areas: based on strategic planning, policy decisions and legal attributes. Groundwater dependence ecosystems: location, evidence, groundwater protection policy (control of groundwater level, groundwater quality and pollution control).

9 Water legislation framework
Water Act: specifically groundwater related attributes, present status in implementation of Water Act with respect to the groundwater management and protection, groundwater governance, public involvement, education and information. Groundwater related regulations: limitations of economic and social activities in protection zones, EIA implementation with respect to groundwater. Drinking Water Standards: legal based standards for public water supply, comparison with WHO standards. Permits (licenses): groundwater abstraction for drinking, irrigation, industrial and mining purposes. Groundwater pollution control: standards for waste water discharge, evidence and penalties for uncontrolled discharges. International legal based agreement(s) on sharing groundwater data of transboundary aquifers between Russia and Mongolia.

10 Identification of priority areas with significant groundwater resources in shallow aquifers in Quaternary deposits Identification, mapping and preliminary evaluation of groundwater resources in shallow aquifers in Quaternary (fluvial ) deposits, specifically : aquifers areal extent , thickness, potential productivity, interface with surface water bodies and groundwater quality / pollution. Priority will be given to the shallow aquifers in the following areas: Mongolian territory River Egiyn below the Lake Hovsgol River Selenga below the confluece of the rivers Ider and Delger Muren;above and below its confluence with the River Egiyn; above its confluence with the River Orhon Gol; below its confluence with the River Orhon Gol on Mongolian territory River Orhon Gol above and below its confluence with the River Tuul Gol; possibly above its confluence with the River Selenga Russian territory River Selenga on Russian territory closely to the border; above its confluence with the Rivers Khilok and Uda; within Selenga Delta River Khilok above its confluence with the River Selenga River Uda above its confluence with the River Selenga River Barguzin above its discharge to the Lake Baikal River Upper Angara above its discharge to the Lake Baikal

11 TDA (Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis )- SAP (Stratecic Action Programme) Approach (Saskia Marijnissen, 2012) Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis – TDA Scientific and technical fact-finding analysis Should be an objective assessment and not a negotiating document Acts as a diagnostic tool for measuring the effectiveness of SAP implementation Strategic Action Programme - SAP Negotiated policy document Establishes clear priorities for actions tom resolve transboundary water problem Identifies policy, legal and institutional reforms and investments needed to address priority transboundary waters problems Outputs from UNESCO project will be directed to the formulation of the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis relevant to the transboundary groundwater problems as a basic document for implementation of the Strategic Action Plan

12 Rating criteria for prioritization
The Baikal Basin impact zones – The buffer zone: Physical catchment area within Russia and Mongolia The groundwater buffer zone with respect to the TDA Rating criteria for prioritization Severity: The level of damage to the Baikal transboundary basin that can reasonably be expected within 10 years under current circumstances – given continuation of the problem. The following criteria are taken in the account: Identification of specific problems related to human and natural impacts on transboundary aquifers and their groundwater resources. Evaluation of expected future risks of the problems – deterioration of groundwater resources quantity and quality; potential transboundary groundwater related conflicts. Identification of relevant actors, sectors and/or groups causing the problems (impacts)on groundwater resources quality and quantity. Evaluation of relationship with other transboundary problems (surface-groundwater interactions, deterioration of groundwater dependent ecosystems, mining pollution. Evaluation of expected multiple benefits that might be achieved by addressing the groundwater problems considering their reversibility / irreversibility. Lack of perceived progress in addressing or solving the problem at national level. Prioritization in solution of transboundary groundwater related problems considering the extent of their damage on the Baikal Lake Transboundary Basin, specifically impact on ecosystems , social and economic consequences and ability of governmental authorities to manage and solve the national and transboundary problems with available financial and human resources .

13 GEF Rating criteria for prioritization - TDA Lake Baikal Basin
Severity: The level of damage to the Baikal transbondary basin that can reasonably be expected within 10 years under current circumstances – given continuation of the problem. 4: Very high – Likely to destroy or eliminate part of ecosystem 3: High – Likely to seriously degrade part of ecosystem 2: Medium – Likely to moderately degrade part of ecosystem 1: Limited – Likely to only slighty impair part of the ecosystem

14 GEF Rating criteria for prioritization TDA Lake Baikal Basin
Scope: Most commonly defined spatially as the geographic scope of impact on the ecosystem integrity that can reasonably be expected within 10 years under current circumstances given the continuation of existing situation. 4: Very High - Likely to be very widespread or pervasive, and affect the ecosystem throughout the entire basin. 3: High – Likely to be widespread in its scope and effect the ecosystem in many parts of the basin. 2: Medium - Likely to be localized in its scope and affect the ecosystem in some parts of the basin. 1: Limited – Likely to be very localized in its scope and affect the ecosystem only in limited parts of the basin. Overall rating is derived by combining the results of the severity and the scope Technically sound arguments have to be applied for overall rating

15 Thank you

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