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So You Have a Camino Manuscript… Now What?

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Presentation on theme: "So You Have a Camino Manuscript… Now What?"— Presentation transcript:

1 So You Have a Camino Manuscript… Now What?
Yosmar Martinez, Stacey Wittig and Russ Hall

2 The Reality of Traditional Publishing
Over 99% of book proposals get rejected by traditional publishers When working with traditional publishers, you have no creative control Royalties are low Hardback edition: 10% on the first 5,000 copies sold Paperback: 8% on the first 150,000 copies sold Ebooks: 25% of retail price You still have to do all the marketing!

3 The Reality of Traditional Publishing
What is one to do? Consider Self-Publishing!

4 Background on Self-Publishing
Used to be looked as the last resort for an author who couldn’t get published traditionally…. aka “vanity publishing” It was uber expensive!

5 Background on Self-Publishing
No longer the case! Print-On-Demand technology Crowdfunding websites become popular for writers Ebooks gain increasing popularity Embraced by some pretty well-known authors Stephen Hawkings E.L. James – 50 Shades of Grey Andy Weir – The Martian

6 Proof is in the Numbers! Self-Publishing is here to stay!!!!
437% growth from 2008 to 2013 Over 458,000 books 2016 – Independently published ebooks accounted for nearly 45% of ebook sales on Amazon, while those published by the Big 5 publishing companies are producing less than 25% of sales. Self-Publishing is here to stay!!!!

7 Models of Self-Publishing
Authorpreneur - Acting as writer and publisher and treating it all as a business by building a catalog of books and developing a platform to build a following and promote your books.

8 Models of Self-Publishing
Ebook Publishing - Self-publishing your work in an electronic format to sell as a Kindle book on Amazon or other ebook sellers — or offer independently to your blog, social media, and followers

9 Models of Self-Publishing
Print-on-Demand - Printing at per-book costs through CreateSpace or other on-demand printers and selling through Amazon and other booksellers.

10 Our Experience Why we chose the publishing format we chose?
What were the benefits? What were the challenges? How do we market our books? What are the rewards?

11 “Writing is passion… Publishing is business!”
Words of Wisdom Do your research Many people making money at the expense of the author Huge range in prices of services Take your time Don’t forget your marketing plan Enjoy the ride! “Writing is passion… Publishing is business!”

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