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Why do you think these two prayers were not answered

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1 Why do you think these two prayers were not answered
1-”God kill my enemy and I promise I will remain a good devoted believer!” 2-” God give peace to the world and people will start believing in You like I do!”

2 One Religion’s Responses to the problem of unanswered prayers

3 Big Picture People pray to talk to God. When prayers go unanswered it can lead to people question their belief in God. We have looked into how unanswered prayers can lead to agnosticism or atheism. Today we will evaluate Christian responses to the problem. A01 – knowledge and understanding A02 – Evaluation Skills – Self Manager

4 Outcomes All will understand how unanswered prayers leads to atheism and agnosticism. All understand at least two Christian responses to the problem of unanswered prayer Most will know at least 4 Christian responses to the problem of unanswered prayer Most will complete an exam style question in a full paragraph on Christian Responses. Few will gain 6/8 for the exam style question which is equal to an A Grade at GCSE.

5 Christianity If what you pray for is selfish ( help me pass the exam) it would be wrong of God to allow you to pass the exam if you had not revised for it If what you pray for is personal (please cure my grandad) your prayer may not be answered in the way you expect because God has different plans and may be wanting your grandad in Heaven.

6 Christianity Human parents do not always give their children what they ask for, but what they need. In the same way God may be answering our prayers by giving us what we need Some Christians believe it is important to get to a certain level of intimacy with God to receive an “anointing” to work miracles and perform wondrous work.

7 Christianity Christians believe that God loves people and they trust God’s love to do what is best for us. They believe that God’s omnipotence and benevolence mean that he knows them better than they know themselves therefore they trust God to answer their prayers the best possible way, even though it does not look like a direct answer. Modern Christians have faith that God will answer all prayers in a way designed for the long term good of the person praying, even though God’s way might be a different way from the expected one.

8 Activity Complete the worksheet and questions on how one religion responds to unanswered prayers. REVIEW DOES THIS MAKE YOU BELIEVE?

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