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*Practice words to know daily

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1 *Practice words to know daily
Class News Week of March 20th Mrs. Mingledorff Mrs. Mallory Things to Remember Mar. 22 Report cards Mar Fun Run Mar. 28 AR Reward Day Mar. 31 Field Trip to Hunter Cattle Ice cream Thursdays - $1.00 PARENTS – If you plan to go on the field trip, you need to complete the Mandated Reporter Training at this website ***this is a requirement for all parents who wish to attend field trips Username: Effingham County, Password: football If you have already completed this, you don’t have to do it again. WISH LIST: paper towels, m&m’s, clorox wipes, hand soap (thank you for your donations!) What we’re Learning! Words with suffix endings –ed and -ing Place value – adding and subtracting two digit numbers Shared reading – The Dot Reptiles, Amphibians and Birds Word Study – root words with endings –ed and –ing like mix, mixed, hope, hoping, hop, hopping. Word assessment on March 24. Words to know: above, bear, even, pushed, studied, surprised, teacher, toward (help your child read these) You can make flashcards for practice Your child needs to know how to spell root words with suffix –ed and -ing and words to know words: teacher, even, pushed PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! Homework *Practice words to know daily Monday – Read, Math sheet Tuesday – Read, write teacher, even and pushed 3 times each. Write a sentence with one of the words. Wednesday – Read, math sheet Thursday – Read, study words with suffixes It’s the 3rd 9 weeks! AR goal is 3 points Points earned: ____ Weekly Schedule Monday – Technology and Library Tuesday – Music Wednesday – P.E. (wear tennis shoes) Thursday – Art Friday – P.E. (wear tennis shoes)

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