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Homework – take it out and hand it up.

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1 Homework – take it out and hand it up.
Choose a novel, play, movie or television show and summarise it in one A4 page. Provide facts, numbers and details. Use quotes. Give me information. Don’t think that Oasis poem is going away either.

2 The Language of Information 2
Today’s Heading The Language of Information 2

3 The objective of this class is:
To use colleges and jobs as aspects of information discussion. To examine what life would be like if you were president. To speak the language of information.

4 Activity one Last week we came up with advise to give a new student in this school. This included a discussion on appearances, work ethic and what to bring to school. Soon enough, before you know it, the Leaving Cert will be over and you shall be this new person in a new place again.

5 Activity one It’s your first day in collage or in a new job. What information do you want to know? What questions have you got? There is no such thing as a bad question.

6 Information on Colleges
In the language of information, one should be neutral. It is only information we want. However, the facts we convey and the adjectives we use to describe things may be positive or negative. (Now read the promotional collage information.)


8 Activity two Form a bio on yourself from the year (What your dream life would be like) Where are you, what are you doing, what have you done and what information about yourself can you convey? When conveying the information, use positive language, complimentary adjectives and big numbers to impress us.

9 Your next target – Presidency
First let’s read about those who have acquired this prestigious position.

10 Your next target – Presidency
What makes a good leader? What needs to change in Ireland? What needs to change in the world?

11 The year is 2050 – continue your bio
You were running for political office. You wanted to be President of Ireland. You then won. (Hurray) Examine yourself – give information for why people should have voted for you. Give information on your victory. What do you plan to do – who do you want to help.

12 Your Homework – write a report
As President, you want to work with a celebrity to help a charity. Write a report conveying information about this activity. This should include information on the charity, the celebrity and what you hope to do. (One Page)

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