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Presentation on theme: "BUILDING BETTER DREAMS"— Presentation transcript:

January Community Forums Tuesday, January 10th, Thursday, January 12th, Sandusky High School Cafeteria 6:00 pm BUILDING BETTER DREAMS

2 Sandusky High School Principal
Mr. Eric Talbot Sandusky High School Principal

3 Mr. Jeff Krabill Board of Education

4 Building Better Dreams

5 Overview of Presentation for Community Forum
Brief update on Transformation Plan Progress on our academic plan for the year/facilities and curriculum Update on school facilities


7 Executive Summary The Sandusky City Schools Transformation Plan was introduced on March 27, 2014 with a primary goal of dramatically redefining the delivery of academics and educational services to position our students to compete on a global level. The comprehensive Fall 2016 update indicates that the district is progressing toward the completion of the 327 goals included in the Transformation Plan with 91% either completed or in progress.

8 Executive Summary The ultimate goal is the completion of the 327 goals that are part of the Twelve Pillars of Excellence. We are currently preparing a schedule of Transformation Plan Pillar meetings designed to review and determine the progress we have made to date with the goal of presenting a comprehensive report to the community in March,

9 Progress on our Academic Plan for the Year/Facilities and Curriculum
Academic Focus on Reading: Implementation of new reading series Project-Based Learning 

10 Progress on our Academic Plan for the Year/Facilities and Curriculum
Academic Focus on Math: Focus on the eight mathematical practices 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 4. Model with mathematics 5. Use appropriate tools strategically 6. Attend to precision 7. Look for and make use of structure 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

11 Progress on our Academic Plan for the Year/Facilities and Curriculum
Academic Focus on Graduation Rate: K-3 Literacy Project ASAP (Achievement for Students and Parents) Global Internship Experience Blue Streak University Grad Point College and Career Majors

12 Overview and Organization of the Building Program
Components of the Facilities Vision Facilities Management Team Building Level Transition Teams at Hancock, Ontario, & Sandusky Digital Academy Operations Team Communications

13 Facilities Management Team Major Tasks
Set strategic goals and implement the “Building Better Dreams” plan Manage matrix in partnership with Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC) Coordinate internal and external communication of the facilities plan Engage with Construction Manager, Architect, and Owner’s Representative Disseminate information to the Board of Education, Faculty, Staff, and the community

14 Building Level Transition Team Major Tasks
Led by building principals, faculty, and staff for successful transition of all students and families Transition to the Adams Building Alternate option for Sandusky Digital Academy Ongoing Staff input

15 Operations Team Major Tasks
Develop matrix of all logistics, tasks, and assignments of all elements of facilities Logistics Coordinate Transportation, Food Services, Building and Grounds, and Technology Staff Logistics

16 Communications Major Tasks
Develop multiple strategies for communications of the facilities plan Ongoing feedback from parents and community groups

17 Initial Timeline for Key Tasks for the Building Better Dreams Facilities Plan

18 Answers to the Top 10 Questions About the School Facilities Plan

19 Answers to the Top 10 Questions from Parents

20 Questions?


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