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WICT: What Happy Working Mothers Know Webinar # 5

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1 WICT: What Happy Working Mothers Know Webinar # 5
Resolutions to Be HAPPY in 2010 WICT: What Happy Working Mothers Know Webinar # 5 Cathy L. Greenberg Barrett S. Avigdor

2 What are your New Year’s resolutions?
We will need a couple of volunteers to help Would you say your resolutions are easy or difficult to keep? Are they aligned to your values? Do you need to re-phrase your resolution to be closer to your values? Try it and see if you like it…better

3 New Year’s Resolution Make yourself happy by aligning your time more closely to your values Are you being deliberate about where you spend your time or are you being reactive? Look back on your week and see where you spent your time? Look at the weeks ahead and see where you can be more purposeful and work to your values rather than be reactive to others.

4 Values and Your Happiness: The Strange Connection
A “Presidential” story Under-utilized capacity, but still basically happy because she made a choice to stay home and raise her daughter Living to your values truly will: Engage your self respect and acceptance Decrease judgment of others

5 Judging and Being Judged
When was the last time you felt harshly judged by someone else? Who were they and what was your relationship to them? What were you doing? Do you believe they were/are living in alignment with their true values?

6 The “Mother Standard” What do you value most about you?
Loyalty, unconditional love, safe space, etc. Living your life aligned to your values is really the ultimate act of self love. (* Daily Worth Newsletter- Gretchen Rubin, “when people wish they are different from who they are- they spend a lot of money on fantasies trying to be someone they’re not” If you could be the person your Mother loves what would you most value about you right now? Why don’t you?

7 Fall in love with who you are – not who you want to be
If you were to fall in love with yourself – which aspects of yourself would you start with? The aspects you choose are reflections of your true values (not what others think of you) Be sure you love yourself for your values

8 Align Your Resolution's to Your Values: An Exercise
List your top 3 attributes and compare how you use them with your top 3 values What percentage of time do you spend on these attributes and values? What can you do differently to align yourself more closely to your top values?

9 Values and Happiness When you align time/energy to your values, you naturally feel happier and that happiness creates energy for a more resilient “you” (Happiness = Joy = Engagement = Performance) What happens when you have to do things that are not aligned to your values? Examine the “have to” part of that statement Do those things absolutely have to get done? If so, do you have to be the one to do them? Can you delegate? Is there is no

10 21 Days to “Stop The Drain”
We are almost 21 days into the New Year It takes 21 days to start a new habit. If you feel drained by an activity or action, stop, assess your situation and be honest – Why do you need to do this - if so - what is it actually providing for you in the long run.

11 Make the Commitment to Honor Your Resolutions with Your Values
Check in on your resolutions – be honest Are they matched to your values and your key attributes for success – at home or at work? Make a plan to engage more energy creating activities and reduce opportunities for “drain” Live your true values – not someone else’s See the energy shift – it makes keeping your resolutions possible and creates more energy for your life, your dreams and your success!


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